
Welcome to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group web site!

LARG’s mission is to promote amateur radio communications through education, radio activities, and support of emergency communications in Loudoun County.

LARG 2023 Objectives are:

  1. Share the passion, knowledge, skills and resources of ham radio.
  2. Encourage learning and experimentation.
  3. Provide opportunities and activities to explore, test and use ham radio.
  4. Have a good time.

We are an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club where many of our members support the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) of Loudoun County.


Thursday SSB Net Report 4 Jul 2024

Thursday SSB Net Ø4 JUL 2Ø24 Open Ø5/ØØØØZ on 3675 KHzListen on 3811 KHz for General class opsQNIK8SYH Bill +1ØK3WD Bill +1ØKE4S Dave, Net Control +1ØClosed ØØ18Z Open ØØ2Ø on 28.4Ø5 MHzQNIK3WD BillKE4S Dave, Net Control Closed ØØ28Z

Thursday SSB Net Report 27 JUN 2Ø24

Thursday SSB Net 27 JUN 2Ø24 Open 28/ØØØØZ on 3675 KHzListen on 3811 KHz for General class opsQNIK4FW Jim +20K3WD Bill +15KE4S Dave KØZR Jeff +20K8SYH Bill, Net Control +1ØClosed ØØ3ØZ No net tonight on 28.4Ø5 MHz