220 Net Rpt 7-25-2022

The Net was convened 2000 local K3MAD repeater 224.2 MHz 123 Hz.

  • K3NOG Richard
  • N3RO Rick
  • KI4AD Evan

The Net was secured 2013 local. 73

2M Net 07-24-2022

The Net was convened 2000 local 145.31 repeater. Check-ins:

WA4KBM Kevin
K3WD Bill
KI4AD Evan
AB3KC Collins

Net was secured 2022. 73 Collins AB3KC

Thursday SSB Net Report Jul 21, 2022

Thursday SSB Net July 21, 2022
open 22JUL/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3816 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill +10
K3WD Bill +20
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0021Z

Open 22JUL/0022Z on 28.405 MHz
KE4S Dave
Closed 0026Z

2M Net Rpt 7-17-2022

The Net was convened 2000 local KI4AD repeater 145.31 MHz 77 Hz. Net Ctl was Henry K2BFY. Please note net start of 8 PM local to correspond in time of day with the other four LARG nets. Check ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Net Ctl
  • KI4AD Evan
  • K3WD Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • AD7FW Roy

Topics included the recent storm which was hit and miss, X15 and Apollo 11 flights on this day in history, and excellent dental care for USN sailors. The Net was secured at 2020. 73

Thursday SSB Net Report Jul 7,2022

Thursday SSB Net July 7, 2022
open 08JUL/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3819 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill +15
N4PD Paul +20
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0025Z

Open 08JUL/0026Z on 28.405 MHz
N4PD Paul +10
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0031Z

Thursday SSB Net June 30, 2022

Thursday SSB Net June 30, 2022
open 01JUL/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3813 KHz for General class ops
K3WD +10
W0MPM +25
K8SYH Bill, NCS +20
Closed 0022Z

Open 01JUL/0024Z on 28.405 MHz
W0MPM John
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0029Z

International Space Station Contact!

Kjell Lindgren, KO5MOS (Twitter: @astro_kjell) was active for Field Day 2022 from the International Space Station (ISS) as NA1SS. K4LRG (Steve, KS1G operator) worked Kjell during the Sunday 0815 UTC (4:15 AM EDT) pass of the ISS over the Southeast and Eastern US. KO5MOS was using the ARISS radio system in the Columbus module, configured as a 2M uplink/ 70cm downlink FM system. K4LRG using the satellite trailer system acquired by the club in December 2019.

Listen to the recording:

Thursday SSB Net June 23, 2022

Open 24JUN/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3813 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0022Z
Open 24JUN/0024Z on 28.405 MHz
Closed 0025Z