Sterling Wires-X Node Online: 145.785 (Simplex)

Paulson KG4TIH’s half-duplex Wires-X located in Sterling, Va is online for use as a half-duplex Wires-X node. By default it’s in the VA-Sterling room (usually empty). Use Wires-X from your radio to move it to the room of your choice!

Frequency: 145.785 (Simplex)
C4FM ID: 00 (required for C4FM/Wires-X)
Location: Sterling, Va, USA
Grid Square: FM19ha
Station Call: KG4TIH
WIRES-X Node: KG4TIH-ND3 (71429)
Default Room: VA-Sterling (28558)
Transmit Power: 40w
Coordination: N/A

Sterling Wires-X Repeater Online: 449.375- 110.9hz

Paulson KG4TIH’s repeater located in Sterling, Va is online for use as both an analog and C4FM repeater plus Wires-X access. By default it’s in the VIRGINA room with a few other repeaters throughout Virginia.

Frequency: 449.375-
Tone: 110.9hz (required for analog)
C4FM ID: 00 (required for C4FM/Wires-X)
Location: Sterling, Va, USA
Grid Square: FM19ha
Station Call: KG4TIH
WIRES-X Node: KG4TIH-ND (18558)
Default Room: VIRGINIA (21625)
Transmit Power: 50w
Coordination: TMARC

Sunday 2m net

The net was convened at 8 PM local.
Net Control: Henry K2BFY
Alternate Net: Evan KQ4CI
Check Ins: Doug KM4GC

We covered MUFON reports 105762 and 106118, which of course lead to discussions of SPS-10, SPS-40, and other search radars.

Net Secured: 830 PM local

2M Net 2021-05-02

8:30 pm EDT to 9:00 pm EDT on 145.310 MHz.

9 Checkins:

WB6EFW Scott
K3WD Bill
K2BFY Henry
KO4IIT Richard
AB3KC Collins (nc)

Warmer weather and windy storms; Recently licensed hams; K3WD’s antenna is now at 40′; Banshee Reeks hiking; One Loudoun Mysterious closed parking deck; Virginia traffic net morse code roger beeps (n, wx, …); Growing veggies all year round in the hoop garden; Icom 7100; Digital Watering Hole net; SCHEDs: Collins and Bill setup an OLIVIA 8/500 sched for Wed at 8pm on 7.07325 MHz

Thursday SSB Net 15 Apr 2021

Thursday SSB Net 16 APR 2021
Open 0000Z on 3675 Khz
Listen 3827 for General class ops
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
N1RM Rick
K2LEK Mike, Nantucket Is.
W5ODJ John
K0ZR Jeff
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0029Z

Open on 28.405 at 0030Z
W5ODJ John
N1RM Rick
KO4NMN Kevin
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0039Z

2M Net Rpt 4-11-2021

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on Dulles Radio Club repeater 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Net Cnt
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Alt Net Cnt
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn Alt Alt Net Cnt
  • KO4IIT Richard Leesburg First analog contact
  • KN4SYT Matt Sterling
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • KO4MBI Eric Leesburg
  • KO4OCN Mike Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KN4HOZ Steve Potomac Falls
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg

Prior to the Net, KO4IIT made his first analog radio contact on the repeater. Earlier in the morning, he made his first radio contact on the Dulles Radio DMR repeater. It’s good to hear all the recent licensees on the Net. It was announced that Scott WB6EFW has become the Loudoun ARES Emergency Coordinator. Scott also donated the DMR repeater now on the air, and a 220 repeater work in progress. N4PDY gave a reminder regarding the upcoming LARG meeting this Saturday. The net was secured at 9 PM. 73

Thursday SSB Net Report Apr 1 2021

2 Apr 2021 open 0100Z on 3675KHz
Listen 3816KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill
KE4S Dave

open 0113Z ON 28.405MHz
KE4S Dave
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
K0ZR Jeff
Closed 0128Z

2M Net 3-28-2021

Net was held 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Mgr/Cnt
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cnt
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling Pres
  • W3HDB Dan Bethesda
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • KO4MBI Eric Leesburg
  • KM4HRR Brendan Reston Dir NVFMA
  • KG7KQN Nick

WB2UNA reported 20M contacts on new antenna. N4PDY reported successful vaccinations for himself and wife. Thanks to W3HDB for coming in from Bethesda MD. KM4HRR confirmed 77 Hz tone for NVFMA, and 110.9 Hz for VWS. The Net was secured at 8:50. 73

Thursday SSB Net Report Mar 20 2021

26MAR 2021 Open 0100Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3818 KHz for General class ops
KE4S Dave
N1RM Rick
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
K0ZR Jeff
closed 0135Z

Open 0136Z on 28.405 MHz
KS1G Steve
WB6EFW Scott
KE4S Dave
K0ZR Jeff
N1RM Rick
closed 0147Z

2M Net March 21, 2021

The net was convened 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

KM4RHW Rick Leesburg
N4PDY Mike Sterling
KI4AD Evan Ashburn
K2BFY Henry Sterling
K9CQB Damon Leesburg
KO4MBI Eric Leesburg
KO4OCN Mike Lansdowne
KO4NMN Kevin Leesburg (+KN4YPC)
W4PSO Marc Ashburn
AB3KC Collins Waterford (net control)

Topics: Vaccination updates; VAQP; New Attendees. The Net was secured 9:01 PM. 73