Thursday night 10 meter net report.

There were quite a few of us on 10 meters tonight. There were those named John and and a few others. 🙂

  • N4PD, Paul
  • W0MPM, John
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • K4BCN, Rob
  • N0JSD, John
  • W5ODJ, John

I was right in the middle of a bunch of directional signals. I heard everyone well as long as I was pointed in their general direction. When I did that everyone’s signal was clear and strong.


John, W5ODJ

LARG Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net Report

It was a light Wednesday night with only K9CQB and W5ODJ participating. We chatted about and tested a GO KIT before shutting the net down 10 minutes later.

See you on one of the upcoming nets.

John, W5ODJ

LARG Thursday Night HF Net report

The band was in excellent condition tonight. Only two of us checked in tonight:

  • K3WD, Bill
  • W5ODJ, John

We chatted informally stopping occasionally to call for checkins. We did not continue to 10 meters tonight.


W5ODJ, John

LARG Thursday Night HF Net Report.

We met at 3.676 tonight for QRM below our normal meeting frequency of 3.675. We listened for others on 3.181 and then moved to 28.405 for the 10 meter portion of the net. Band conditions were excellent but noisy with static crashes from storms in the area. 10 Meters was in rare form (very good). QSOs there continue after we left the frequency.


  • W5ODJ, John (NCS) – Lovettsville
  • K8SYH, Bill – Charlottesville
  • K3WD, Bill – Lovettsville
  • N0JSD, John – Bluemont (on 3.818)
  • N8II, Jeff – Shepherdstown WV (on 28.405)

Topics included the WX Thunderstorms riding across the state the last few days, the Reston Bike Ride coming up on August 25 and The Berryville Ham Fest in August.

I hope everyone has a great week!

