I’ve posted the presentations and a link to the video of N4RAF’s talk on the many On The Air (OTA) events and awards programs. Go out and work someone!
See https://k4lrg.org/information/presentations/ for LARG meeting presentations and video links for most of the past few years.
73 de KS1G
Net Started 8:00pm
KQ4VZF Patrick
N4RAF Steven
W5ODJ John
Net Secured at 8:15pm
Net Started 8:00pm
K2BFY Henry
KQ4VZF Patrick
KS1G Steven
W5ODJ John
Net Secured at 8:19pm
Net commenced at 2004 local on the 146.70/146.85 repeaters. Check-ins:
- W5ODJ John
- N4PD Paul
- N4FAF Jim
- KS1G Steve
- K2BFY Henry
- WA4KBM Kevin
- K6PS Paul
- WA4TXE Dave
- W4PMP Chris (net control)
Topics tonight: Repeater troubleshooting, Bone conduction audio, Aliens on the radio, Digital Net Issues, Baofeng Audio, Weather, and real life.
Net was secured 2045.
Chris, W4PMP
Presentations and videos of the presentations at the January meeting, on the ARISS contact in December and building a Portable Digipeater for public service events, have been posted to the LARG website. Look at the Presentations page from the k4lrg.org home page.
Our February meeting will be on Saturday, February 15, at 8:30 AM EST. If you have a topic you like to learn more about, or better, give a presentation about, please let us know!
73 Steve KS1G LARG VP
Thursday SSB Net 9 JAN 2Ø25
Open 1Ø/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3810 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed Ø129Z
No 1Ø m session tonight
Thursday SSB Net 26 DEC 2Ø24
Open 27/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3815 KHz for General class ops
N4CF Mike S5-S7 QSB
K8SYH Bill S6-S7 QSB
N4PD Paul S9
W5ODJ John S7
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed ØØ21Z
No 1Ø m session tonight
Net commenced at 2000 local on the 146.70/146.85 repeaters. Check-ins:
- K2BFY Henry
- WA4TXE Dave
- WA4KBM Kevin
- W3VAR Chuck
- W0MPM John
- W4PMP Chris (net control)
Topics tonight: Noisy repeater tonight, probably transformer noise in Purcellville, Family life, Remember Heath Kit?, Condo Living, and real life.
Net was secured 2030.
Chris, W4PMP
Opened on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2012. We had two check-ins: W5ODJ (John) in Lovettsville, and myself in Ashburn. Talked about current family life and travels. Stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!” to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters.
Chris, W4PMP
Thursday SSB Net Ø5 DEC 2Ø24
Open Ø6/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3813 KHz for General class ops
W5ODJ John +15
WØMPM John +15
KE4S Dave
N4CF Mike +25
N4PD Paul , Net Control +2Ø
Closed Ø126Z
No 1Ø m session tonight