21 July 2m Net

Net commenced 8pm
K3WD Bill
K2BFY Henry

Net Secured 8:21

July Meeting Presentation and Videos

Today’s meeting presentation by Dave, WA4TXE, The WA4TXE Repeaters Overview, is posted to the Monthly Meetings Presentation page. Also posted are links to videos of WA4TXE’s presentation, the Q&A session, and N4RAF’s Field Day Results.

The August LARG meeting presentation will be by K2BFY, “Warp Drive Logging”. See you next month!

If you have a topic you’d like to present at a future club meeting, let me know! October, November, and all of 2025 are waiting!

73 Steve KS1G


Thursday SSB Net Report 18 JUL 2Ø24

Thursday SSB Net 18 JUL 2Ø24
Open 19/ØØØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3811 KHz for General class ops
KG4UPR/M Bryan, VA S9
K8SYH Bill +1Ø
K3WD Bill +2Ø
WB4ACC John +1Ø
KE4S Dave, Net Control +1Ø
Closed ØØ17Z

Open ØØ19 on 28.4Ø5 MHz
No takers
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed ØØ2ØZ

Sunday 2M Net, 14 July 2024

Net commenced at 2000 local on the 146.70/146.85 repeaters. Check-ins:

  • WA4TXE Dave
  • K2BFY Henry
  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • K3WD Bill
  • KQ4TBN Robert
  • W4PMP Chris (net control)

Topics tonight:  Animal questions that a 4 year old can answer, technical updates to the repeater system, antenna test equipment that works, HT mic issues, and real life.

Net was secured 2025, to continue working HT issues.


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report 9 May 2Ø24

Thursday SSB Net May 9, 2Ø24
Open 1Ø/ØØØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 381Ø KHz for General class ops
N4PD Paul +2Ø
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5
KE4S Dave +2Ø
WB4ACC John +5, Waynesboro VA +5 (formerly KI4QQX)
K3WD Bill , Net Control +1Ø
Closed ØØ16Z

Open ØØ18 on 28.4Ø4 MHz
KQ4OXX Nico, Leesburg
KK7HGW Kenyon, Las Vegas
NO7BS Kirk, Las Vegas
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed ØØ28Z

Wednesday 6M SSB Report, 01 May 2024

Opened on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2035. We had three check-ins: K4KRS (Ken) in Ashburn, W5ODJ (John) in Lovettsville, and myself in Ashburn. Great discussions, Radios, Antennas, Family life and Hobbies. Stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!” to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters.


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report Apr 25, 2Ø24

Open 26/ØØØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 381Ø KHz for General class ops
KE4S Dave +25
K3WD Bill +5
N4CF Mike, Mineral VA +15
KO4A John, New Bern NC +1Ø
KØZR Jeff, Net Control +2Ø
Closed ØØ25Z

No 10m session tonight