These are our weekly regular radio nets. Members and non-members are encouraged to check in to the nets to validate that your transmitter and antenna are working on the designated frequency band. When more people check into the net, more signal reports can be provided so that all participants can determine the operation and signal coverage for their transmitter.
All times are local Eastern Time
Reminders for each net are sent using the club email reflector. Some email accounts route the net reminders to the spam filter. G-Mail in particular is known to prevent the user from seeing the reminder emails. All the major email providers allow some method of preventing routing messages from a predetermined source to the spam folder. You should check the help files for your email provider for instructions about how to configure the spam filter. The reminders are all sent from an email address
If you are NCS and want preamble dialog please go here for the text that will help you frame the before and after meeting dialog.
Sunday 7:30 PM
The Digital Watering Hole
Winter (November through March) 3.58275 MHz in Olivia 500/8
Summer (April through October) 7.07325 MHz in Olivia 500/8 Note:
NOTE: All digital is on upper side band (USB). The frequencies listed above are the center carrier frequency. Monitor the repeater frequency below for assistance. Whatever repeater is in use for the 2m net will be used to help others with digital should that be required. For more information on digital modes check out this information.
Sunday 8:00 PM
2 meter FM Radio Net:
WA4TXE Repeater Leesburg:
Receive Frequency: 146.700 MHz
Transmit Frequency: 146.100 MHz
Offset -0.600 MHz
Receive Tone is 77.0
NOTE: You do not need to set a transmit tone. If your programming has it it won’t hurt.
If you can’t reach the Leesburg repeater:
Use the following paired WA4TXE repeater in Purcellville:
Receive Frequency: 146.850 MHz
Transmit Frequency: 146.250 MHz
Offset -0.600 MHz
Receive Tone is 77.0
NOTE: You do not need to set a transmit tone. If your programming has it it won’t hurt.
If WA4TXE Repeater is Down: KI4AD Repeater – 145.31 MHz (PL 77) (-0.6 MHz offset)
Note: Both repeaters transmit a 77 hz tone so you can use CT 77 if you want to squelch all other radio. This is not a requirement to use these repeaters.
NOTE: If the primary repeater is down try other and if no repeater use simplex at 147.48 MHz. The current NCS roster for the 2 meter net can be found here.
Monday 8:00 PM
The LARG Monday Night 220 Mhz net is held on the K3MAD Frederick, Maryland repeater 224.2 MHz -1.6 MHz offset 123 Hz tone 2000 hours. Please join K2BFY on the “Forgotten Coast” ham band for the latest cookie can antennae and UFO updates.
Tuesday 8:00 PM
Slow speed CW – 3.545 MHz ± 5kc for QRN
Wednesday, 8:00 PM
6 meter SSB – 50.130 MHz
Thursday 8:00 PM
We conduct two nets on Thursday evening. You do not have to belong to the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group to check in with us for these nets – all are welcome.
75 meter SSB – 3.675 MHz for the common frequency and we will listen ± 3.815 MHz (the net control station will announce a specific frequency) for general class license holders. The current NCS roster for the Thursday night net can be found here.
10 meter SSB – 28.405 MHz around 8:20-8-30 PM (right after 75m net). The current NCS roster for the Thursday night net can be found here.
Commuter Nets (Monday through Friday)
147.480 MHz Simplex, KI4AD Repeater on 145.31 MHz (PL 77) and/or WA4TXE Repeater on 146.70 MHz from 6:30 to 8:00 AM and again at 4:30 to 6:30 PM If you are driving your car if you will monitor one of the repeaters it’s likely someone will be listening if you want to reach out!