January 2025 LARG Meeting Presentations

Presentations and videos of the presentations at the January meeting, on the ARISS contact in December and building a Portable Digipeater for public service events, have been posted to the LARG website. Look at the Presentations page from the k4lrg.org home page.

Our February meeting will be on Saturday, February 15, at 8:30 AM EST. If you have a topic you like to learn more about, or better, give a presentation about, please let us know!

73 Steve KS1G LARG VP

International Space Station Contact!

Kjell Lindgren, KO5MOS (Twitter: @astro_kjell) was active for Field Day 2022 from the International Space Station (ISS) as NA1SS. K4LRG (Steve, KS1G operator) worked Kjell during the Sunday 0815 UTC (4:15 AM EDT) pass of the ISS over the Southeast and Eastern US. KO5MOS was using the ARISS radio system in the Columbus module, configured as a 2M uplink/ 70cm downlink FM system. K4LRG using the satellite trailer system acquired by the club in December 2019.

Listen to the recording: