This is the post-net report for the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM. Tonight the net was held on the WA4TXE/R 146.700 MHz (-) (no PL tone). W5ODJ (John) was NCS for the evening.
Those who checked in were:
- WB2UNA, John
- N4PDY, Mike
- KG4UPR, Bryan
- KM4NPK, Nelson
- W5ODJ, John
it was a family weekend with excellent weather for outdoor activities. Some of us got the chance to dust off a radio and get back on the air. Working hard not to let work get in the way of our fun activities.
The repeater was having some kind of an issue on the input side of things. I had to use high power to get in full quieting. This is something new. The others were having trouble keeping the repeater when transmitting. The net was a bit weird and disjointed but not enough to switch to the standby since there were so few of us.