Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 20 May 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2030. We had three check-ins: W5ODJ (John), W4PSO Marc and myself. The discussions tonight focused on potential Field Day Participation and life in general. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 13 May 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2030. We had three check-ins: N4PD (Paul), W4PSO Marc and myself. The discussions tonight focused on shack issues and experiences trying to keep them working properly. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 29 January 2020

I opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2015. We had two check-ins: W2YE (Dick) and myself. The discussions tonight focused on HF antennas and experiences trying to keep them working properly. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net Report

I started the 6-meter net last night on 50.130 MHz at 8pm. We had three check-ins: N4PD (Paul), W2YE (Dick) and myself. It was great to host this net once again and I plan to keep it going into the future. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP