Field Day 2022

LARG is hosting Field Day 2022 , Saturday through Sunday, June 25 and 26.

We will be located in the south parking lot at: 44045 Riverside Pkwy, Leesburg, VA 20176

Visitors are welcome and encouraged to stop by. We’ll be operating two HF stations, one VHF/UHF & Satellite station, and a Get-on-the-Air (GOTA) station where visitors can participate. We’ll also have training for scouts to get their Radio merit badge.

For more details, please visit:

2M Net 06-19-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 repeater. Check-ins:

K2BFY Henry
K1APC Travis
AB3KC Collins

We discussed fathers, the 220 band, HTs, and field day plans. We welcomed Travis as a first time checkin (Leesburg).

Net was secured 2055. 73 Collins AB3KC

Net Report Thursday SSB June 9 2022

Thursday SSB Net June 9, 2022
open 10JUN/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3819 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill +5
K0ZR Jeff +20
K3WD Bill +10
N4PD Paul +20
W0MPM John +10
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0027Z

Open 10JUN/0028Z on 28.405 MHz
Closed 0030Z

Thursday SSB Net Jun 2, 2022

Thursday SSB Net June 2, 2022
open 03/0003Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3816 KHz for General class ops
Called the net a couple minutes late, no takers. T-storms earlier with QRN S9+15, so perhaps everyone properly disconnected. Plan for better conditions next week!

KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0005 Z

Second session net not opened, normally called on 28.405 MHz

Thursday Sideband Net May 26, 2022

Thursday SSB Net May 26, 2022
open 27/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3816 KHz for General class ops
KE4S Dave +10
K3WD Bill +10
Closed 0023 Z

Open on 28.405 MHz 0024Z
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0028Z

Thursday SSB Net May 19, 2022

Thursday SSB Net May 19, 2022
open 20/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3816 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill +15
K3WD Bill +10
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0017 Z

Open on 28.405 MHz 0018Z
N8II Jeff +10 WV
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0030Z

2M Net 05-15-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 repeater. Check-ins:

WA4KBM Kevin
KI4AD Evan

Our club meeting is this Saturday the 21st at 8:30am

Tonight there will be a lunar eclipse. Keep your eyes to the sky.

Our May 21st meeting will be in-person at Trinity Lutheran Church, 605 West Market St, Leesburg VA at 8:30am.

Net was secured 2049. 73 Collins AB3KC

Thursday SSB Net Report, May 12 2022

Thursday SSB Net May 12, 2022
open 13/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3819 KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill S9
W5ODJ John +15
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0014 Z

Open on 28.405 MHz 0016Z
W5ODJ John
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0029Z

Thursday SSB Net, Apr 28,2022

Thursday SSB Net 28 APR 2022
open 29/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3819 KHz for General class ops
W5ODJ John +20
K3WD Bill +20
K0ZR Jeff +20-25
N4PD Paul +20
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0023Z

Open on 28.405 MHz 0024Z
W5ODJ John
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0031Z

Tuesday Slow CW Net April 26, 2022

Dave KE4S called the net at 2000 EDT on 3545 KHz. Checkins from Jeff, K0ZR and Bill, K3WD. A couple short rounds of comments, welcoming Jeff back from vacation and discussion band conditions: seems as if summer QRN is starting to creep in, along with some QSB tonight. Closed at 2020 EDT.