Thursday SSB Net Report 17 Jun 2021

Thursday SSB Net 18 JUN 2021
open 0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3816 for General class ops
K3WD Bill
KoZR Jeff
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0020Z

Open on 28.405 MHz at 0021Z
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
KO4NMN Kevin
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0030Z
Great conditions on both bands tonight: 75m quiet, 10m open to VP9. Don’t forget the LARG meeting on Saturday AM, followed shortly by the Stew Perry Topband Challenge contest on 160m CW.

Digital and 2m net reports Sunday June 06, 2021

There were 3 participants of the digital net tonight:

  1. K3WD, Bill
  2. KG4TIH, Paulson
  3. W5ODJ, John

We had a nice long digital chat on various topics including what was being planned for Field Day 2021. Paulson is working on a remote 2D station to contribute to FD this year. Also talked about birds and bees, neighbors, long walks, grounding rods that don’t want to go into the ground (surprise) and many other things.

The 2 meter net was attended by 9 folks tonight. Lots of new hams using their license to share some time with all fo us. Those included:

  1. KO4NMN, Kevin
  2. KO4OCN, Mike
  3. K3WD, Bill
  4. KO4QVQ, Rick
  5. KI4AD, Evan
  6. AB3KC, Collins
  7. KD4HAX, Joe
  8. KF4UUX, Earl
  9. W5ODJ, John

As with the digital net we covered a range of topics from learning CW for Field Day 2021 to politics. It was good to hear all the new hams on tonight. I wish we didn’t have to mess with COVID and could have a Field Day like the good ole days. Hopefully this will sort out this year and we can get back to normal.

Everyone have a great week. See you on one of the nets coming up.


Thursday SSB Net June 3 2021

Thursday SSB Net 04 JUN 2021
open 0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3813 for General class ops
KE4S Dave
W5ODJ John
K8SYH Bill, net control
closed 0021Z

Open on 28.405 MHz at 0022Z
W5ODJ John
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0040Z

Sunday 2m Net Report 2021-05-30

We had 12 check in to the 8:30pm Sunday net on 145.31 MHz.

KI4AD Evan
N4PDY Mike
KO4NMN Kevin
W3VAR Chuck
K3WD Bill
W4PMP Chris
W6SJ Dave
AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

Monday will be the first in person luncheon at Wegman’s in Leesburg (1130hrs). We discussed the MFJ 849 watt meter; operating digital on 6m; Chuck was looking for help operating satellites; announcement for 6m net on Wednesday; antenna talk; and plans for showing our gratitude on Memorial Day.

Be Safe! Have a great week!

Thursday SSB Net 27 May 2021

Thursday SSB Net 28 MAY 2021
open 0000Z on 3675 Khz
Listen 3823 for General class ops
K3WD Bill
K8SYH Bill
KoZR Jeff
N4PD Paul
NZ2K Paul, NJ
KE4S Dave, net control
Very nice signals on this band tonight.
closed 0030Z

Open on 28.405 at 0031Z
N4PD Paul
Ko4FBM Jose, FL
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, net control
10 meters is open to FL this evening!
closed 0045Z
Summertime signals are coming to life in the evening as Solar Cycle 25 starts climbing. Join us next Thursday if you want to get an introduction to HF operations. 73 de Dave KE4S

2M Net Rpt 5-23-2021

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz by Henry K2BFY Net Mgr/Net Cntl. Check Ins:

  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • KO4OCN Mike Landsdowne
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • KO4NMN Kevin Leesburg
  • KG4RRN Bob Charles Town, WV

73, Henry [email protected]

Net Report – Thursday SSB Nets 20 MAY 2021

Open 21 May 2021 0000Z on 3675 Khz
Listen 3815 for General class ops
K8SYH Bill
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
K0ZR Jeff
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0024Z

Open 28.405 at 0024Z
N4PD Paul
KO4NMN Kevin
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0034Z

2M Net Rpt 5-16-2021

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz by Henry K2BFY Net Mgr/Net Cntl. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan
  • N4PDY Mike
  • W4HCP Tom
  • AK2M Kevin
  • K0ZR Jeff
  • K3WD Bill
  • KO4OCN Mike
  • KO4NMN Kevin
  • KO4PXG John
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K4BCR Danny

Anyone interested in being net control feel free to contact me. 73 Henry [email protected]

Sunday Nets Report May 9, 2021

Hi. We had good nets tonight. I was NCS for both the digital net and the 2m net. Those that checked in are as follows:


  1. AB3KC, Collins
  2. K3WD, Bill
  3. W5ODJ, John (NCS)


  1. N4PDY, Mike
  2. K2BFY, Henry
  3. WB6EFW, Scott
  4. K4BCR, Danny
  5. K0ZR, Jeff
  6. K3WD, Bill
  7. KO4MBI, Eric
  8. KO4PXG, John
  9. KO4OCN, Mike
  10. K4JB, Jim
  11. AD7FW, ROy
  12. KI4AD, Evan
  13. KO4NLY, Jason
  14. W5ODJ, John (NCS)

Some of the topics included:

NSS Station Towers (1200 feet tall)

There were two people who checked in for the first time (K45BCR and KO4NCY). Welcome to both of you guys. Hope to hear you on this and other nets in the future.

2021 13 Colonies Event

Everyone have a good week.



Thursday SSB Net May 6, 2021

Thursday SSB Net 07 MAY 2021
open 0000Z on 3675 Khz
Listen 3810 for General class ops
K0ZR Jeff
K3WD Bill
K8SYH Bill
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, net control
closed 0020Z

Open on 28.405 at 0020Z
K0ZR Jeff
KO4NMN Kevin
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, Net Control
closed 0030Z