Sunday night nets report

Tonight I called both the digital net as well as the local 2m net.

No one from the club checked in to the digital net (that I could hear) but I did manage to chat with a station in Puerto Rico who was new to digital and we had a nice chat.

The following folks checked in on 2m tonight:

  • W4HCP, Tom
  • N4PDY, Mike
  • K2BFY, Henry
  • W4PSO, Marc
  • K6PS, Paul
  • KS1G, Steve
  • W5ODJ, John

Have a great week!



New Meeting Link ****LARG Meeting 01/16/2021****

I apologize, apparently I was logged into my personal account when I created the meeting link. I resent the invitation with the new link. Please check your email and use the meeting link sent from my K4LRG account.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

2M Net Rpt 1-10-2021

The Sunday 2M net was convened at 8:30 PM local time 1-10-2021 on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Cntl, Net Mgr
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KS1G Steve Herndon
  • W4PMP Chris Ashburn
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • KC3PIY Dietrich Germantown, MD
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • K6PS Paul Leesburg
  • KO4KFE Nick Ashburn
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • W6SJ Dave Sterling
  • AC3CW Mark Frederick, MD

Information was requested about the outdoor Dulles Radio Winter Field Day 2 PM local Jan 30 through 2 PM local Jan 31 in Ashburn. Info can be found at KO4KFE was congratulated for his first On the Air Contact today, as was KC3PIY for his first On the Air Digital Contact today on 145.31. Information was exchanged regarding JPole antennae and propane heat for garage and shed. The net was secured at 9:14. 73 KI4AD

2m Net 2021-01-03

The net was convened at 8:33 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K9CQB Damon
  • N4PDY Mike
  • W4PSO Marc
  • KI4AD Evan
  • K6PS Paul
  • KN4HOZ Steve
  • W3VAR
  • KJ4NXG Bob
  • AB3KC Collins (net control)

Welcome Paul K6PS back into the hobby. Paul was active in the club in the early years.

Topics… Lessons learned shared on potential damage to radio equipment when transmitting on 60m band. Announcements… Our next monthly meeting is Saturday morning, January 16th, 2021. 

The net was secured at 9pm.

LARG 2M Sun Net Rpt 12-27-2020

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. KI4AD was net control. Check Ins:

  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KM4EGM Luke Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville

N4PDY discussed his candidacy for LARG Pres. Don’t forget to have your membership dues up to date so you can vote in the next Club meeting. K2BFY discussed 2M calling frequencies and repeater coordination. The Net was secured at 8:49. This is the last 2M net for 2020. 73 & Happy New Year 2021!

220 Net Rpt 12-21-2020

The Net was convened 8 PM local on repeater 224.2 123 Hz. KI4AD was the Net Control Operator.

Check Ins: K4FW Jim Leesburg

The Net was secured at 8:08. Merry Christmas, Best Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year! 73 KI4AD

2M Net Rpt 12-20-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz by Marc W4PSO Net Control. Check Ins:

  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • AD7FW Roy Leesburg
  • W6SJ Dave Sterling
  • KN4HOZ Steve Sterling
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn
  • K4FW Jim Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsvilee
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling

Thanks were given to Henry K2BFY for keeping the net going as Net Manager, and to Marc W4PSO for taking Net Control. The net was secured at 9:10 PM. Best Holiday wishes to all from!

Thursday SSB Net Dec 17 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 18DEC 2020 Open 0100Z
Listening 3815 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K8SYH Bill
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
NC4S Gary
K0ZR Jeff
W5ODJ John
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed 0124Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0126Z
K3WD Bill
K0ZR Jeff
W5ODJ John
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0138Z