Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 2 September 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2050. We had two check-ins: W0MPM, (John) and myself. Excellent discussions tonight with focus on Flex radios, 3rd party software programs and life in general. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Sun 2M Net Report 8-23-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. There were 8 check ins, plus net control

  • NE3R Joe Frederick, MD
  • W3VAR Chuck Leesburg
  • W0MPM John Leesburg
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • WB9RXB Tom North of Leesburg
  • W4EDF Ed Alexandria
  • W4PSQ Marc Ashburn (Net Control)

Topics included driving on a parkway and parking on a driveway, hand held RF responsive AC power relays (undesired), physical activity in the wake of the Covid-19 paunch, and the upcoming Light Up 2M Simplex event on August 30 6-8 PM local time. The net was secured at 8:54 PM local time.

Thursday SSB Net Report 20 Aug 2020

W0MPM being tardy for his assignment the 80 meter net was graciously opened by KE4S

In attendance (in no particular order):

W5ODJ John
K0ZR Jeff
N4PD Paul
W0MPM John
W4NA Nate
K8SYH Bill
KE4S Dave
K3WD Bill

Festivities on 80 meters ended at 00:28 GMT to reconvene at 28.405 MHz

joined by W3HM Howard famed restoration guru extraordinaire.

The official discussion ended at 00:41 followed by informal rag chewing.

–John, W0MPM

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 9 September 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2050. We had three check-ins: W0MPM, (John), W5ODJ, (John) and myself. Excellent discussions tonight with focus on Flex and ICOM radios, Test equipment (all types) and life in general. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

There were 12 checkins for the Sunday night voice net:

  • WB2UNA, John
  • KD4NYX, Wendy
  • K3WD, Bill
  • K2BFY, Henry
  • KD4HAX, Joe
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • W3VAR, Jeff
  • W0MPM, John
  • N4PD, Paul
  • N7XUI, Stan
  • KC4RCR, Rousseau
  • W5ODJ, John

The topics were varied, signals were mostly strong and quiet. The repeater performed well.

Have a great week!


Thursday SSB Net Report Aug 6 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 07AUG2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3821 KHz for General class ops to check-in
KE4S Dave
K3WD Bill
WoMPM John in/out
K8SYH Bill, Net Control
Closed 0010Z for lightning near
No 10 m session tonight.

For Sale

Want to move up a class? I have the following equipment , like new, original box, paperwork and accessories. Non-smoking household.

Palstar LA-1K RF Sensing Dual HF LDMOS 1000 Watt Amplifier

120 or 240 VAC

Latest Firmware: 1.05K


Palstar HF-Auto 1800 Watt Autotuner

160 to 6 Meters


Palstar AT2K 2000 Watt Antenna Tuner

160 to 6 Meters


ACOM 1010 HF Linear Amplifier

700 Watts, 160 to 6 Meters

120 or 240 VAC


Yaesu FT-8800 R/E, Dual Channel, 50 Watts, $100.00


EA-Delta7B, 30 to 10 Meters, $150.00

Mosley, TA-31M, 10-15-20 Meters, $150.00

My Antenna, EFHW-4010 2K, $90.00

Cobra UltraLite Senior, 160 to 10 Meters, $60.00

Comet CX-333 144/220/440 MHz, $90.00

M2 6M-3SS, $120.00


ABRind 218XATC 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 40

ABRind 25400 1.5, 3, 12, 25, 75, 100

ABRind RG213 1.5, 3, 25, 50, 75

$1.50 per foot for cable assemblies

$.75 per foot 25 or greater

Contact me if interested or need more information.


Chris, W4PMP

[email protected]

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 29 July 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2020. We had three check-ins: KE4S (Dave), W0MPM, (John), and myself. The discussions tonight focused on station grounding, antennas and life in general. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 22 July 2020

Opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2055. We had four check-ins: W5ODJ (John), W0MPM, (John), W4PSO (Marc) and myself. The discussions tonight focused on radios, antennas and life in general. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP