LARG HF Digital Watering Hole Report.

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time at 7.07325 MHz in the summer months. Tonight there were not LARG members on the net however there were 4 other checkins + me:

  1. KC4ZGP
  2. NR4A
  3. NQ1W
  4. VE3ZU
  5. W5ODJ

The net continued for over an hour well into the 2m net. Nothing formal to report on this net. It was nice creating a flow from random checkins from around the country.

Hope to see you on the digital net one day soon.



May Virtual Meeting Reminder 05-16-2020 0830

Just a reminder that our scheduled meeting for May will be held this Saturday, May 16th at 0830. This meeting will be hosted virtually. Please check your e-mail for the meeting link.

We look forwarded to you joining us then.

2M Net Report 5-10-2020

Check Ins:

  • AB3KC Collins Net Control
  • KQ4CI Evan Alt Net RCO
  • KO4DHC Nathan
  • N4PDY Mike
  • K2BFY Henry
  • AI4ID Sean
  • W4PSO Marc & Gavin
  • K0ZR Jeff

Good topics of conversation. It was great to hear Gavin on, we look forward to him getting his ticket. Gavin requested and received info on ARISS. Jeff gave good update on CW contesting. Net was secured at 9:02 PM local. 73

Thursday SSB Net Report May 7, 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 08MAY 2020 Open 0100Z
Listening 3816 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K8SYH Bill
K0ZR Jeff
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
W5ODJ John
W4PMP Chris
KE4S Dave net control

A nice discussion of the weekend QSO parties as well
as ongoing projects for several of us. Conditions good
tonight with coverage from Delaware to Florida. Please
join us next week.
Closed 0132Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0134Z
K0ZR Jeff
KE4S Dave
N4PD Paul
Closed 0147Z

2M Net Report 5-3-2020

Check Ins:

  • AK2M Kevin Herndon
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • KC4RCR Rousseu Front Royal
  • AI4ID Sean Leesburg
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
  • K4AIU Doug Chantilly
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • KN4BHN Chris Aldee
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • W0GBG Brian Bluemont
  • KO4DDA Paul Ashburn
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • K4JB Jim Ashburn
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cntl, Rptr Cntl Op
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn Net Control

It was a superbly directed, fun, and well attended net tonight. K2BFY submitted proof that the “Earth is Flat” proponents are wrong. If correct, cats would have knocked everything off the edge. Proper location for additional grounding rods was discussed. We have possible volunteers to re-institute the LARG balloon flights, which will be discussed with management. One ham was operating from his basement without outside antenna, which was a good idea considering the lightning storms passing through. The net was secured at 9:09 PM local.

75m LARG HF Net

Thursday, April 30th, was a great net on 75m. Conditions were very favorable with nice low levels of noise. Those checking in included:

N4PD, KE4S, KG4UPR/m Delaware, W5ODJ, K8SYH, K9JRK (Joe of Columbus OH), KJ4VTH, and K3WD

Discussion about favorable conditions and upcoming operating events this weekend, i.e. 4 QSO party type events and a 10-10 contest on CW. Also updates on N4PD’s tower as well as progress being made by KE4S in getting his Steppir back on his tower and fully functional.

The 75m session closed near 8:30 pm and the 10m session ended at 8:40 PM.

W5ODJ and N4PD checked in on 28.405

K0ZR, Jeff, NCS for this week

LARG 2M Net 4-26-2020

Check ins:

  • KN4PIZ Patrick Herndon
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • KC3B Steve Ashburn
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • N3XZX Chris Leesburg
  • N4KWP Lewis Oak Hill
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • KD7VIX Scott Ashburn
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • KO4BKA Joe Sterling
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn

The net was closed at 8:48. Feel free to join the Loudoun ARES net at 8:30 PM Tues and SPARCnet at 6:30 Wed on 145.31 77 Hz. 73 KQ4CI

LARG HF Digital Watering Hole net report.

Tonight a the prescribed time and frequency I called CQ to see who might want to join the LARG digital net using OLIVIA 8/500.

I was quickly rewarded by a call from Bryan (KG4UPR) in Delaware using his mobile rig on 40 meters followed by a call back from Bill (KJ4VTH) in Fairfax. Both of their SNRs were 25 dB at my QTH.

It’s been a while since I called the digital net and it was fun to have these guys on the other end of my call. Thanks for participating tonight, Bryan and Bill!

A reminder on the digital net:

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time. Winter (Standard Time: Nov-Mar) 3.58275 MHz. In the summer (Daylight Savings Time: Mar-Nov) we meet at 7.07325 MHz and that is where we were tonight.

NOTE: Net Control listens the 2-meter net frequency used by the Sunday 8:30 PM FM Radio net. Lately that has been 145.31. If you are having any difficulty call us on the repeater and we’ll do our best to help you get on the air for the net.

Everyone is welcome to join us and we hope to see you on the digital net.

For more information please visit this web page.



Net Report: Thursday SSB Apr 16 2020

We had 13 participants on 3675 last night: KE4S, K3SEN (FL), K3WD, W4PMP, KG4UPR/M (DE), K8SYH, AK2M, KS1G, K0ZR, N4PD, W5ODJ, AB3KC, and yours truly, W2YE .We listened for Generals on 3823, but none heard. Only W4PMP joined me on 28405 after we closed the 80 meter portion. Thanks for participating.

73, Dick, W2YE

LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2 meter net tonight.

Those that checked in were:

  • KE4S, DAVE
  • K4JB, JIM
  • K3WD, BILL

Most everyone had good signals into the repeater tonight. Some of us have some work to do. 🙂

A number of topics were discussed including the appreciation of the virtual meeting on Saturday for the club presentations. Many of us made a point on how effective that meeting was. Of course, COVID was discussed some but mostly how everyone was getting along in this current lock down environment. Most of us were spending time with our families, baking bread and other family related activities. Many doing antenna work. And there was a QSO party this weekend which some of us participated.

I trust most everyone found their equipment in good working order. The radio I was using is new which introduces another 50 buttons to me so there is a function I am looking for. Gotta read the manual.

Have a good week!

