LARG 2M Net 4-5-2020

The net commenced at 8:30 PM local.

  • N4PDY Mike
  • WB2UNA John
  • KI4FWB Kurt
  • K0ZR Jeff
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K4ZNK Bob
  • K4AIU Doug
  • W5ODJ John
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K3WD Bill
  • K2BFY Henry Net Manager & Net Control
  • KQ4CI Evan Alternate Net Control & Repeater Control Operator

Discussions included Zoom for the next LARG meeting, and the fact that masks are illegal in VA. The net was closed at 9:03 local. Thanks again to K2BFY for taking the net and taking on 2M net manager. Don’t forget the 220 net tomorrow. 73 KQ4CI

Thursday SSB Net Report 2 Apr 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 03APR 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3835 KHz for General class ops to check-in
KG4UPR/M Bryan in DE S9
W3IP Mike +20
K8SYH Bill +5-10
W2YE Dick +10-15
AB3KC Collins S8
KoZR Jeff +15
W5ODJ John +10
KS1G Steve +15
K3WD Bill +10
N4PD Paul +20
KI2H Harry Purcellville S8
NC4S Gary NC +5
KJ4NXG Bob +10-15
AJ4TW Cameron in Greensboro NC
KE4S Dave, net control
Lots of participation tonight, filled with good comments and pleasant conversation. Great to hear the familiar voices as well as some new ones. Please join us next Thursday evening for another round.

Closed 0150Z for John to pick up on 10 meters.

April Virtual Meeting Date & Time

Just for clarification the meeting will be held on our normally scheduled meeting date at our normal meeting time.  I will try to open the virtual meeting approximately 15 minutes early (0815) so that folks can get settled in and comfortable with Zoom if they choose.
Date :   April 18th, 2020Time :   0830
Have a good night,
Doug, K4AIU 

April 18, 2020 LARG Meeting will be Virtual Only

Hi All,

First I hope that this email finds you well.

Due to the continued public health concerns, the Governors Stay at Home order and with our meeting venue unavailable we will not be able to meet in person.

With that said we will attempt to hold a virtual meeting via zoom. It is really simple to use. You may utilize a computer or simply call in via telephone using the number provided.

For Zoom conference information please check an e-mail from W5ODJ with the details on how to get into the conference.

Here is a short video on how to utilize zoom:

If it is your first time with Zoom, I recommend joining a few minutes early.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Doug Coulter – K4AIU
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group

LARG Sun Night 2M Net Report 3-29-2020

  • WB2UNA John
  • N4PDY Mike
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K2BFY Henry
  • KN4ZVM Dave
  • KN4PIZ Patrick
  • W2NRM Nelson
  • KN4RXT Seth
  • KQ4CI Evan

Thanked Henry K2BFY for taking on LARG 2M Net Manager position. Congrats to KN4ZVM on new license. Recommended EFHW-8010-2K with heavy wire upgrade for unobtrusive HF antenna. 73 Evan KQ4CI

LARG Thursday Night HF Net Report

We had good attendance and many new voices on the net tonight. For the 75-meter net we were on 3.675 Mhz while also listening to 3.838Mhz for General class checkins.

Those checking in were:

  • KG4UPR/M, Bryan (Delaware)
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • K3WD, BIll
  • KS1G, Steve
  • AB3KC, Collins *
  • W2YE, Dick
  • N4PD, Paul *
  • KQ4CI, Evan *
  • KI2H, Harry *
  • KJ4NXG, Bob
  • W5ODJ, John * (NCS)

There were a variety of subject but most notable was the sheltering in place most of us are doing these days. Everyone’s signal was good and strong ranging from S9 to 40 over. The band was in great shape.

We meet every Thursday evening from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend with us. Once the 75-meter portion is over we move to 10 meters at 28.405 Mhz. Those with a * by their name also attended the 10 meter net.



LARG Sun Night 2 Meter Net Report

The Net was convened at 2030 hours local. Check Ins:

  • KG4TIH Paulson Sterling
  • KI4FWB Kurt Lovettsville
  • K4JB Jim Ashburn
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KS1G Steve Herndon
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Lovettsville
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn

Discussed bringing the WiresX AmericaLink UHF repeater back up with Paulson. Mike passed on that the Dayton Hamvention had been cancelled. Depressing to think that the Covid-19 debacle will last until mid May. Joe covered the role of the Loudoun Medical Reserve Corps in the Covid-19 war, and that there are now two strains, SARS-CoV-2 S which is the original zoogenic virus, and SARS-CoV-2 M, which has evolved to better match the human genome, and is thus more dangerous to us. Darwin wins. Emergency Response Teams are preparing for a 5 month activation. More up to date scientific information will be provided on the DMT Net, 145.31 77 Hz this Tuesday at 7 PM.

73 Evan KQ4CI

March Meeting 03/14/2020 – Cancelled

Good Afternoon,

New information regarding the COVID-19 Virus and related closings, cancellations and recommendations has been rapidly evolving.  I have also been contacted by several members who where either unable to attend or were concerned over the meeting tomorrow.

With that said, and out of an abundance of caution, I have decided to cancel tomorrows meeting.  I do apologize for the late notice and for any inconvenience.  Because this decision was reached so let please take a moment to ensure any fellow members that you have regular contact with are aware of the cancellation.  

Sorry for the inconvenience but we want to look out for our members.


Doug K4AIU

March 12 2020 HF Net

Good net was enjoyed by those who checked in Thursday evening. Check ins included:

Multiple threads of discussion included participation in the just completed ARRL SSB contest last weekend, CWTs of late, and some antenna comments.

Only stations on 10m included myself and N4PD.

Nets concluded at 0040.

NCS for this week, Jeff, K0ZR

LARG Monthly Meeting 03/14/2020

Good Morning,

Our Monthly LARG meeting will be held as scheduled this Saturday March 14, 2020. If you are not feeling well or are concerned about possible exposure we certainly understand.

We look forward to seeing those who can make it on Saturday.

In order to accommodate anyone who may not be able to make it, I will ATTEMPT to host a free conference call during the meeting.

Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6383

Access code: 623119#

Online meeting ID: dougscomms

Join the online meeting:

Take Care,


Doug – K4AIU
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group
