2M Net Rep 11-1-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • N0JSD John Alt Net Ctl
  • WB2UNA John
  • K2BFY Henry
  • N4PDY Mike
  • W3VAR Chuck
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K3WD Bill
  • W4HCP Tom
  • KI4AD Evan Net Ctl

Kudos to N4PDY and the LARG Education Committee for graduating another class of Technicians! Steady winds of 20 MPH gusting to 50 MPH were a good test of antenna stability. The net was secured at 8:46. 73 & Thanks to all who checked in, hope to hear you next week!

Thursday 10 meter net Report 18 Jun 2020

Hi there. We had a nice net on 10 meters tonight. The band was open beyond the northern Virginia area. We were able to meet at 28.405 Mhz and have a very informal net. There was no NCS so we did a normal QSO until we all had to leave. Those checking in were:

  1. W5ODJ, John
  2. KE4S, Dave
  3. W4PMP, Chris
  4. W0MPM, John

A reminder that we have a club meeting (virtual) this coming Saturday.

Everyone had a decent signal. It was great to hear everyone.



LARG Thursday Night HF Net

We had 9 people check in to the net tonight:

  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • KE4S, Dave
  • K3WD, Bill
  • KG4UPR, Bryan (Delaware)
  • W0MPM, John
  • N4PD, Paul
  • W4PMP, Chris
  • N4CF, Mike (Louisa)

It was nice to hear everyone on the air tonight. 80 was in decent shape. Signals were strong ranging from S9 to +35 at my QTH.

WPXCW Contest this weekend.

SpaceX will launch again on Saturday:


Date: Saturday, May 30
Time: 3:22 p.m. Eastern
TV: Various networks
Stream: NASA, SpaceX

WX is improving for the next 7 days. Hopefully everyone can get out and enjoy the springtime weather.

Stay safe. Be vigilant.



LARG HF Digital Watering Hole Report.

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time at 7.07325 MHz in the summer months. Tonight there were not LARG members on the net however there were 4 other checkins + me:

  1. KC4ZGP
  2. NR4A
  3. NQ1W
  4. VE3ZU
  5. W5ODJ

The net continued for over an hour well into the 2m net. Nothing formal to report on this net. It was nice creating a flow from random checkins from around the country.

Hope to see you on the digital net one day soon.



LARG HF Digital Watering Hole net report.

Tonight a the prescribed time and frequency I called CQ to see who might want to join the LARG digital net using OLIVIA 8/500.

I was quickly rewarded by a call from Bryan (KG4UPR) in Delaware using his mobile rig on 40 meters followed by a call back from Bill (KJ4VTH) in Fairfax. Both of their SNRs were 25 dB at my QTH.

It’s been a while since I called the digital net and it was fun to have these guys on the other end of my call. Thanks for participating tonight, Bryan and Bill!

A reminder on the digital net:

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time. Winter (Standard Time: Nov-Mar) 3.58275 MHz. In the summer (Daylight Savings Time: Mar-Nov) we meet at 7.07325 MHz and that is where we were tonight.

NOTE: Net Control listens the 2-meter net frequency used by the Sunday 8:30 PM FM Radio net. Lately that has been 145.31. If you are having any difficulty call us on the repeater and we’ll do our best to help you get on the air for the net.

Everyone is welcome to join us and we hope to see you on the digital net.

For more information please visit this web page.



LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2 meter net tonight.

Those that checked in were:

  • KE4S, DAVE
  • K4JB, JIM
  • K3WD, BILL

Most everyone had good signals into the repeater tonight. Some of us have some work to do. 🙂

A number of topics were discussed including the appreciation of the virtual meeting on Saturday for the club presentations. Many of us made a point on how effective that meeting was. Of course, COVID was discussed some but mostly how everyone was getting along in this current lock down environment. Most of us were spending time with our families, baking bread and other family related activities. Many doing antenna work. And there was a QSO party this weekend which some of us participated.

I trust most everyone found their equipment in good working order. The radio I was using is new which introduces another 50 buttons to me so there is a function I am looking for. Gotta read the manual.

Have a good week!



Net Report: Thursday SSB, Apr 9 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 10APR 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3835 KHz for General class ops to check-in

K3SEN Dale, FL S9
N4CF Mike, Mineral, VA +20
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5
K3WD Bill +10
K0ZR Jeff +20
AB3KC Collins S9
W5ODJ John +15
N0JSD John +10 on 3835
KJ4NXG Bob +5
W4PMP Chris +5
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0130Z

The net continued to 10 meters on 28.405. W5ODJ was NCS for that net and there was 1 checkin; AB3KC. There was a faint station in there but neither of us could make it out. After a few rounds we closed things down.

Another nice turnout tonight. Lots of discussion about the high winds and our bouts with cabin fever. Gotta love the breaks we get having this radio capability. I hope to hear more folks next week – please join us if you can.
73 de Dave KE4S

LARG Thursday Night HF Net Report

We had good attendance and many new voices on the net tonight. For the 75-meter net we were on 3.675 Mhz while also listening to 3.838Mhz for General class checkins.

Those checking in were:

  • KG4UPR/M, Bryan (Delaware)
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • K3WD, BIll
  • KS1G, Steve
  • AB3KC, Collins *
  • W2YE, Dick
  • N4PD, Paul *
  • KQ4CI, Evan *
  • KI2H, Harry *
  • KJ4NXG, Bob
  • W5ODJ, John * (NCS)

There were a variety of subject but most notable was the sheltering in place most of us are doing these days. Everyone’s signal was good and strong ranging from S9 to 40 over. The band was in great shape.

We meet every Thursday evening from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend with us. Once the 75-meter portion is over we move to 10 meters at 28.405 Mhz. Those with a * by their name also attended the 10 meter net.



LARG Sun Night 2 Meter Net Report

The Net was convened at 2030 hours local. Check Ins:

  • KG4TIH Paulson Sterling
  • KI4FWB Kurt Lovettsville
  • K4JB Jim Ashburn
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KS1G Steve Herndon
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Lovettsville
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn

Discussed bringing the WiresX AmericaLink UHF repeater back up with Paulson. Mike passed on that the Dayton Hamvention had been cancelled. Depressing to think that the Covid-19 debacle will last until mid May. Joe covered the role of the Loudoun Medical Reserve Corps in the Covid-19 war, and that there are now two strains, SARS-CoV-2 S which is the original zoogenic virus, and SARS-CoV-2 M, which has evolved to better match the human genome, and is thus more dangerous to us. Darwin wins. Emergency Response Teams are preparing for a 5 month activation. More up to date scientific information will be provided on the DMT Net, 145.31 77 Hz this Tuesday at 7 PM.

73 Evan KQ4CI

LARG 2M Net 3-8-2020

The LARG Sunday Night 2M net was convened at 8:30 PM Local.

Check Ins:

  • WB2UNA, John
  • K4JB, Jim
  • N4PDY, Mike
  • W5ODJ, John
  • KQ4CI , Evan

We discussed Spring Forward time, preparations for Spring, the LARG Extra Class exam, and possible site for the best Holiday event, the LARG Holiday party.

73 Evan KQ4CI