2M Net 03-06-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • K2BFY Henry
  • KO4SET Bill
  • K3WD Bill
  • N4JOO Manny
  • KB4PFY Roy
  • K5KVX Ray (in/out)
  • AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

Virginia QSO Party Saturday March 19th and Sunday March 20th

Winterfest March 27th (Annandale, Va)

Don’t forget our in person club meeting this Saturday March 12th. Our March 12 meeting will be in-person at Trinity Lutheran Church, 605 West Market St, Leesburg VA at 8:30am.

Navy tubes…. glowing tubes…. lots of vacuum tube stories

Net was secured 2057. 73 Collins AB3KC

2M Net Rpt 2-20-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local KI4AD 145.31 MHz 77 Hz repeater.

  • KI4AD Evan Hand Held Ashburn Net Ctl
  • KO4SET Bill Hand Held Leesburg
  • KD4HAX Joe Mobile Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Base Sterling Net Mgr
  • K3WD Bill Base Lovettsville
  • W0MPM John Base Leesburg
  • N4EUK Stephen Base Reston

KD4HAX discussed efforts to find a Ham friendly QTH just across the border in WV. There are non-HOA QTH available, and they are often a better investment, because they can be redeveloped. Real Estate will also be a good investment hedge against hyperinflation. K3WD is putting in solar power on his QTH. W0MPM verified that the Monday luncheon is still on at 11:30 at Wegman’s. The Net was secured at 2050. 73

2M Net 01-30-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • K2BFY Henry
  • K3WD Bill
  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • W4HCP Tom
  • KO4SET Bill
  • K1NSA Brian
  • AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

This heat wave/weather. Lunch on Monday. Participation in the 160M CW contest. Antenna speak. Trying to get on 6m for the weekly net but having trouble. Net control limped through the last 10 minutes and closing dialogue with an intermittent PTT signal challenge.

Net was secured 2055. 73 Collins AB3KC

2M Net Rpt 1-16-2022

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77Hz repeater. Check Ins:

  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • N4JOO Manny
  • WB2UNA John
  • K3WD Bill
  • K4JB Jim
  • W0MPM John
  • KI4AD Evan Net Cnt

Net was secured at 2054. 73 Evan KI4AD

2M Net 12-26-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • KI4AD Evan
  • N4JOO Manny
  • K3WD Bill
  • KO4MBI Eric
  • K5KVX Ray
  • KD4HAX Joe
  • N2ALA Dwight
  • AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

2022 Ham Resolutions of the group include:

Keeping repeaters online. 3 of us are determined to upgrade to Amateur Extra this new year, New radios, New HF setup in the ham shack, Exercise the 800W AL80B amp, Motorize mobile antenna mounts, Reflash / Upgrade chip based ham radios, QRP ops from Leesburg, Best wishes for the new year

Net was secured 2058. 73 Collins AB3KC

2M Net Rpt 11-28-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz Repeater. Check Ins:

  • K5KVX Ray Net Cnt Aldie
  • K2BFY Henry Net Mgr Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • W4HCP Tom Lovettsville
  • WA4KBM Kevin Leesburg
  • KI4AD Evan Alt Net Cnt Ashburn
  • KO4IIT Richard Leesburg

This was the first Net Control spot for Ray, K5KVX. He did a great job. The net was secured 2049. 73 K5KVX

2M Net Rpt 11-21-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • N4PDY Mike
  • K2BFY Henry
  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • KO4SET Bill
  • K3WD Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • WB2UNA John
  • AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

We talked mostly about Thanksgiving and family and friends. Tasteless food. And tasty food like strawberry rhubarb pie and apple pie. Happy 78th birthday to K3WD (yesterday).

In person trip to Ham Radio Outlet. RF noise from electric fences.

K3WD congrats on the FT8 contacts with Algeria (Sahara Amateur Radio Club)

Net was secured 2058. 73 Collins AB3KC

2M Net Rpt 11-7-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan Hand Held Ashburn (Net Cntl)
  • KN4YPC Ian Hand Held Leesburg
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • W4HCP Tom Lovettsville
  • KO4SEU David Leesburg
  • KC4RCR Rousseau Berryville

Topics discussed included in person plans for the Holidays, and a new ice cream named for Henry. The Net was secured at 2050. 73

2M Net Rpt 10-24-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • WA4KBM Kevin (Net Control)
  • K1NSA Brian
  • WB2UNA John
  • N4JOO Manny
  • KI4AD Evan
  • W4HCP Tom
  • KO4SET Bill
  • AB3KC Collins
  • KO4IIT Richard
  • K3WD Bill

Net was secured 2055. 73 Kevin WA4KBM

2M Net Rpt 10-17-2021

The Net was convened 2030 local 145.31 77 Hz repeater. Check-ins:

  • KI4AD Evan
  • K2BFY Sterling
  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • K3WD Bill
  • KO4SET Bill
  • AF4LL Bill
  • N4JOO Manny
  • W50ODJ John
  • AB3KC Collins (Net Control)

We talked mostly about Raccoons

Net was secured 2059. 73 Collins AB3KC