LARG Thursday Night HF Net Report

We had good attendance and many new voices on the net tonight. For the 75-meter net we were on 3.675 Mhz while also listening to 3.838Mhz for General class checkins.

Those checking in were:

  • KG4UPR/M, Bryan (Delaware)
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • K3WD, BIll
  • KS1G, Steve
  • AB3KC, Collins *
  • W2YE, Dick
  • N4PD, Paul *
  • KQ4CI, Evan *
  • KI2H, Harry *
  • KJ4NXG, Bob
  • W5ODJ, John * (NCS)

There were a variety of subject but most notable was the sheltering in place most of us are doing these days. Everyone’s signal was good and strong ranging from S9 to 40 over. The band was in great shape.

We meet every Thursday evening from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend with us. Once the 75-meter portion is over we move to 10 meters at 28.405 Mhz. Those with a * by their name also attended the 10 meter net.



LARG Sun Night 2 Meter Net Report

The Net was convened at 2030 hours local. Check Ins:

  • KG4TIH Paulson Sterling
  • KI4FWB Kurt Lovettsville
  • K4JB Jim Ashburn
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KS1G Steve Herndon
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Lovettsville
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn

Discussed bringing the WiresX AmericaLink UHF repeater back up with Paulson. Mike passed on that the Dayton Hamvention had been cancelled. Depressing to think that the Covid-19 debacle will last until mid May. Joe covered the role of the Loudoun Medical Reserve Corps in the Covid-19 war, and that there are now two strains, SARS-CoV-2 S which is the original zoogenic virus, and SARS-CoV-2 M, which has evolved to better match the human genome, and is thus more dangerous to us. Darwin wins. Emergency Response Teams are preparing for a 5 month activation. More up to date scientific information will be provided on the DMT Net, 145.31 77 Hz this Tuesday at 7 PM.

73 Evan KQ4CI

LARG 2M Net 3-8-2020

The LARG Sunday Night 2M net was convened at 8:30 PM Local.

Check Ins:

  • WB2UNA, John
  • K4JB, Jim
  • N4PDY, Mike
  • W5ODJ, John
  • KQ4CI , Evan

We discussed Spring Forward time, preparations for Spring, the LARG Extra Class exam, and possible site for the best Holiday event, the LARG Holiday party.

73 Evan KQ4CI

2M Net Report

LARG 2M Net Report for Sunday 3-1-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local.

Check Ins:

KD4PIZ  Patrick  Herndon   Hand Held

KD4NYX  Wendy    Leesburg  Yaesu FTM-400XT

WB2UNA  John     Leesburg  Kenwood

KD4HAX  Joe      Leesburg  Yaesu FTM-400

KQ4CI   Evan     Ashburn       Baofeng UV-5R III Hand Held

We had very interesting discussions of taxes, Beethoven sonata singing, cloud forensics, and SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus).

The net was secured at 8:27 PM local.

For Wendy, Joe, and others, 145.31 is C4FM and analog auto dual mode, so after the social portion of the net is closed next week, feel free to C4FM.

Respectful Best Regards  Evan KQ4CI

2m Net Report; February 23, 2020

We seated the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM at 20:30 local time. Tonight was on the WA4TXE/R on 146.700 MHz (no pl).

Check-ins were as follows:

  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)
  • KG4TIH, Paulson
  • KU4FT, Chris
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • KD4HAX, Joe
  • W4PMP, Chris
  • KO4ANI, Mike
  • N4PD, Paul
  • K4JB, Jim
  • K4MNA, Mitch
  • N4PDY, Mike

Reminder: The Extra class is on Mondays (tomorrow).

Everyone have a great week!



Sunday night digital net report.

As you likely know, we meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time for a brief digital net. Anyone is welcome. For all the details on this net you can find it here.

There were two checkins tonight:

  • John, W5ODJ (NCS)
  • Paulson, KG4TIH

We had a nice, hour long, conversation and tested two different bands. It was nice to catch up with Paulson over a digital QSO.



LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

The most famous 2 meter net was held on Sunday January 19, 2020 at 20:30 local time. John Westerman presided the NCS operation. Those that attended were:

  • WB2UNA
  • N4PDY
  • K2BFY
  • K4FWD
  • K0ZR
  • KK4TNO
  • W4PNP
  • KN4PIZ
  • W5ODJ

Thank you all for joining the net and testing your gear to insure proper operation. Thanks to Dulles Radio for the use of their repeater tonight. I hope to see you on one of the other nets coming up this week.



LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

We conducted the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM at the Dulles Radio repeater on 145.310/R with a 77hz PL.

Those that checked in:

  • W5ODJ (NCS)
  • K2BFY
  • W4PNP
  • N4FAF
  • K0ZR
  • KK4TNO
  • KJ4NXG
  • KN4PIZ
  • AB4TF

A reminder of two things:

  • The regular monthly meeting is coming up this Saturday, January 18. For more information on when when and where click this link.
  • There is an Extra class that is starting on Feb 3. Jeff, K0ZR, and others in the Education Committee could use help teaching, tutoring, etc. Reach out to the Education folks at this link.

Thanks to everyone who joined and participated in this most famous 2 meter net tonight!



Tuesday Slow CW Net Report: 7 Jan 2020

We had three check-ins tonight: Jeff KoZR, Chris KT9N, and Dave KE4S. After a brief chat, we closed at 2015L, and as I was closing, I received a call from KE4I Dennis, in GA. Very confusing for a minute, because the I is only one dit short of my own call!. Turns out he is working on a certificate for the CWOPS 10th Anniversary event running this month, and I was happy to help him work toward 25 CWOps members.

Please join us levery Tuesday evening at 8PM EST for some slow CW practice. 73 de Dave KE4S

Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net Report

I started the 6-meter net tonight on 50.130 MHz a little after 8pm tonight. There were two people other than me who checked in: KN4BGW (Steve) and K9CQB (Damon).

It was nice to hear some familiar voices on 6 meters as it’s been a very long time since I’ve been home on a Wednesday evening where I could be around the radios locally.

Our next net is tomorrow evening at 8pm. Hope to see you on the air!

