Net Report – Thursday HF SSB 12 NOV 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 13NOV 2020 Open 0100Z
Listening 3816 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K8SYH Bill
K3WD Bill
W5ODJ John
W0MPM John
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Conditions much better tonight than the Tuesday CW net.
Closed 0121Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0122Z
W5ODJ John
W0MPM Gracie (with John)
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, NCS
John MPM had some help for this one.
Closed 0128Z

Tuesday Slow CW Net 10 NOV 2020

Check-ins tonight from Bill K8SYH, Jeff K0ZR, Dave KE4S, Chris KT9N, and a welcome to new member Brian W1FOX. Conditions not very good tonight so we chatted briefly about the CW Sweepstakes contest over the weekend and closed down. Please join us next week – the low bands should be improving in the coming weeks.

Tuesday Slow CW Net Oct 27, 2020

A nice 30 minute rag chew this evening with Bill K8SYH, Dave KE4S, Jeff K0ZR, and Rick N1RM. We would like to invite others to join us each Tuesday evening at 8:00PM on 3545 KHz (+/- QRM) and we will operate at the slowest speed needed.

2M Net Rep 10-25-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 local on 145.31 PL 77.

Check Ins:

  • W4PSO Marc *Control Op for the following:
  • Tess
  • Reese
  • Grace
  • Gavin
  • KS1G Steve
  • W0MPM John
  • W3VAR Chuck
  • AB3KC Collins
  • KI4AD Evan
  • KN4HOZ Steve
  • K4AIU Doug
  • KC5CG Gump
  • K2BFY Henry Net Ctl

KS1G discussed new equipment on ARISS. W0MPM said that he has much good stuff for sale, needs to clean up the shack. The net was secured at 8:58 PM local.

Net Report – Thursday SSB Net 22 Oct 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 23 OCT 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3834 KHz for General class ops to check-in
KE4S Dave
K0ZR Jeff
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
W0MPM John
N0JSD John
K8SYH Bill, Net Control
Closed 0030Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0031Z
W0MPM John
N0JSD John
N4PD Paul
Dave KE4S, NCS
Closed 0040Z

Net Report Thursday SSB 15 Oct 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 16 OCT 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3816 KHz for General class ops to check-in
KE4S Dave
N1RM Rick
K8SYH Bill
W0MPM John
K3WD Bill
W4PMP Chris
N4PD Paul
K0ZR Jeff, Net Control
Closed 0025Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0027Z
KE4S Dave
N1RM Rick
W0MPM John
K0ZR Jeff, NCS
Closed 0040Z

Thursday SSB Net Report – Oct 8, 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 09 OCT 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3816 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
WV8AH Arnie WV
K8SYH Bill
W0MPM John
K0ZR Jeff
W5ODJ John
WF1L Bill
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed 0037Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0036Z
W0MPM John
N4PD Paul
W5ODJ John
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0054Z

Very nice sessions this evening with very good conditions. Nice to hear from Bill, WF1L – been quite a while since we’ve heard from him.

Please feel free to check in with us on any of our Thursday sessions. We listen for General Class ops on a frequency announced on the 3675 primary, and Technician ops have HF privileges on 28.405 MHz (10 meters) for the second session each Thursday around 8:30PM.

2m net report.

Checkins for tonight 2m net were:

KI4AD, Evan
K2BFY, Henry
K0ZR, Jeff
W3VAR, Chuck
K3WD, Bill
W4PNP, Chris
KN4HOZ, Steve
W5ODJ, John

It was good hearing everyone tonight.

73 and have a great week!


Thursday SSB Net Report Oct 1, 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 02 OCT 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3810 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K8SYH Bill
N4CF Mike Mineral, VA
W5ODJ John
W4PMP Chris
W0MPM John
N4PD Paul
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, Net Control
Closed 0035Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0036Z
W5ODJ John
W4PMP Chris
W0MPM John
K3WD Bill
W4PMP Chris
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, NCS
Closed 0048Z

Good band conditions tonight on both sessions. Visitors are welcome on any of these nets – please join us next Thursday.

2M Net 9-27-2020

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local and we kept the repeater humming until 9:08PM.

Check Ins:

WB2UNA, John
AK2M, Kevin
W4PSO, Marc ‘mike’ alpha romeo charlie (hi Gavin)
K3WD, Bill
W4PMP, Chris
KI4AD, Evan
K9CQB, Damon
N4PDY, Mike
W0MPM, John
K2BFY, Henry
KN4HOZ, Steve
AB3KC, Collins NC

What cultural differences have you noted in ham radio from region to region?

Comments… EMCOMs class in Richmond google the JISCC it’s very cool to see; clear your call out west; in Michigan we didn’t ID the other ham on VHF QSOs all that much; Aerated feedlines fixed; English commonly spoken in ham radio and world travels (multiple commenters agreed Asia, Europe, ITU); Air Traffic Control; ARRL band plan East versus West; Ham radio culture is largely courteous and civil; 220 net and 220 ops

Announcements: Technician license class starts tomorrow night; Net control schedule is up to date on the website; 145.31 system is known by KI4AD