13 Colonies 2019

It’s fun to search out each of the states on the various bands and modes and make contact with the volunteers that help everyone make contacts in the contest. The bands have been in reasonable shape this year if you can dodge the occasional storms that are drifting by.

This year I was able to get the “Clean Sweep” in the 13 Colonies event in the first three days of July. I’ll submit the following log and get a certificate later in the year:

Date     Time   Freq   Mode MyCall       RST  Call            RST

20190702 0215   7223.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2L              59
20190702 0217   7198.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2A              59
20190702 0220   7217.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2C              59
20190702 0221   7182.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2H              59
20190702 0502   7218.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2Z              59
20190702 1508   7210.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2J              59
20190703 0248   7185.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2M              59
20190703 2302   7225.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2B              59
20190703 2304   7180.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2E              59
20190703 2305   7193.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2K              59
20190703 2308   7245.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2G              59
20190703 2313  14247.0 USB  W5ODJ         59  K2D              59
20190704 0200   3865.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2F              59
20190704 0204   3986.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  WM3PEN           59
20190704 0206   7174.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  GB13COL          59
20190704 0211   3803.0 LSB  W5ODJ         59  K2I              59

I am also volunteering to operate the K2B station on 40 meters. So far I have managed to make 1,523 contacts working a few hours each day the last three days. It’s a crazy time on the receiving side of making contacts for the event. At times the QSO rate is well above 200 contacts per hour. I liken this to listening to air traffic control during a “push” in a busy time of the day. Its very busy and fun to work to manage all of the inputs from the day.

I’ve heard two familiar voices on the air while I’ve been operating. N0JSD and K8SYH reached out to me at some point. It’s nice hearing people we know.

Spotting is easy using DXSummit. Using this tool makes short work figuring out the band and mode for the operators in each state. At some point it’s just about getting into the fray and working the pileups which are very high at times.

Although I’ve done all of the above using SSB I hope to make some time outside of my K2B operations to use other modes to reach out to each state. In particular, I want to see how digital modes work this year.



6/23/2019 2M Net Report

Good Evening.

Net started at 20:35 and ended at 20:40. Check-ins are as follows.


WA4TXE, Dave

K4FW, Jim

N0JSD, John (NCS and NM)

Have a great week!

John, N0JSD

FD19 (In my eyes).

Field Day has been a journey! I made a lot of contacts, and some new skills. I operated from two places this year. The first location I operated from was the Clarke County Fairgrounds with SVARC (W4RKC). I operated CW and SSB with them. I recorded one of the contacts and it can be found here.

I also operated from the shack. I operated SSB and CW also here. Funny enough, John, W5ODJ is in my log. I also recorded a contact here, but I guess it did not record. I’ll just keep it here, because I do not know how to remove videos.

At the end of the day, I think Field Day has been a good turnout for me this year. I hope it will be great again next year!

73’s and good afternoon.


75 Meter HF Net

The weekly LARG Thursday Night HF SSB Nets met at 8 PM June 20, 2019. It was a short net because there were only three of us:

K8SYH, Bill
K3WD, Bill
W5ODJ, John

It’s Field Day 2019 weekend! We all mentioned we have plans to play a little in the event. In the past 9-10 years this day (Friday) would be a big day for our club as we planned to set up a 4A or 5A station for the event. It feels a little strange that we are not doing it this year. I hope each of you have found something to do on this big radio weekend.



LARG Regular meeting June 15, 2019

Member attending the regular meeting in June.

Today was a good review of DSP technology given by our very own Jeff Crawford, K0ZR. Always so much to learn!

Breakfast at IHOP was good fun even though it happens at 7am. I’ll need a nap today.

LARG Tuesday CW Net Report 6/11/2019

Called the weekly slow cw net at 8:00PM with only two check ins – K3WD (Bill) and me. We had a nice 30 minute qso discussing family visits and vacations.  Also, along with all the other ham activities this coming weekend, don’t forget that this weekend is the Summer Stew Perry 160 meter cw contest.  I hope to get a few more South America contacts after the club meeting and the ham fest.  73 de Dave KE4S

LARG HF Phone Net Report – 30 May 2019

The 75-meter session was opened at 20:00 EDT on 3675 kHz with 3 check-ins:

Call Name SIG Lvl
—- —- ——-
W4PMP Chris S8
K3WD Bill S9
KG4UPR Bryan (NCS) —

Signal levels recorded at NCS QTH Potomac Falls in eastern Loudoun County, Virginia (FM19ha)

Short-range conditions were fair. After two rounds of comments the 75-meter session was closed at 20:13 EST.

The 10-meter session of the net was called at 20:14 EDT on 28405 kHz, but no local stations were heard.

Thanks for participating.


Thursday SSB Net Report 6 Jun 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 7 JUN 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3814 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K3WD Bill S9
K8SYH Bill S7-S9
NoJSD John +10 on 3814
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0019Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz
Not called: my antenna out of service on 10m

73 de Dave KE4S

2m Net report for June 2, 2019

The 2m net began at 2030 local time. There where three checkins:

W5ODJ, John (NCS)
KK4TNO, Chaz
WB2UNA, John

The net was quick and secured at 20:40 local time. We’ll meet tomorrow at Wegmans during the lunch hour. Maybe we’ll see you there!

Take care.


BARC Father’s Day Hamfest & Marketplace

BARC, The Baltimore Amateur Radio Club, will be hosting a Father’s Day Hamfest & Marketplace on Sunday, June 16th 2019. Details are available on BARC’s website and in this PDF.

Please join us on Sunday June 16, 2019 for the BARC Father’s Day Hamfest and Marketplace in Upperco, MD. This exciting event features a giant flea market for traditional tailgating and food. New for 2019 are indoor rest room facilities and expanded advertising!
We continue the same value-based pricing…space is first-come/first-serve (no advance sales of admission tickets or space). Outdoor tailgating space continues at $5 each with admission of $5 each (donation). Hours: 8 am.-2 pm. Location: the Arcadia Volunteer Fire Company grounds, 16020 Carnival Avenue, Upperco, MD 21155. ARRL DXCC/WAS qsl card checking is available in the morning. Amateur radio license exam testing is not offered.
Returning for 2019… Tasty Treats, manned by Mr. Nick, who provides BBQ sandwiches, baklava, hot dogs, ice cream, coffee, and other goodies at affordable prices.
Remember, we are the last area hamfest each year before ARRL Field Day for those last minute shoppers. Note, sales of ammunition, fire arms, and pornographic material/media are prohibited.
A big thank you to our valuable volunteers, who helped with the 2018 hamfest, and Dave AB3TE our hamfest chairman.
Please join us again in 2019!!!. [email protected]
