Tues Slow CW Net Report 14 May 2019

We had three check ins tonight on 80 meters, with quiet band conditions: KT9N Chris, K3WD Bill, and KE4S Dave. Nice chat and reminded each other about the club meeting coming up on Saturday. See you there!
73 de Dave KE4S

2m Net report for May 12, 2019

This is the post-net report for the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM. Tonight the net was held on the 145.310 MHz (-) (77hz PL tone ) at 8:30 PM sharp. KN4AWT (Jim) was NCS for the evening.

Those who checked in were:

  • KN4AWT – Jim (NCS)
  • N4FSC – Craig
  • N4PDY – Mike
  • KM4NPK – Nelson
  • K4JB – Jim

It was small group this week! Conversations ranged from some exciting family news to conversations about the rain this past month. The net was closed at 8:41 PM

Thursday SSB Net Report 9 May 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 10 MAY 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3818 KHz for General class ops to check-in

K3WD Bill
K4FWD Frank
N0JSD John
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0011Z

10m – Open 0013Z on 28.405 MHz

KE4S Dave
N0JSD John, net control
Closed 0017Z

Thursday SSB Net Report 5/2/2019

Opened the net at 8:00PM as usual.  Only Bill K8SYH and Dave KE4S made it tonight.  Conditions were very poor so we chatted briefly and closed down.  Hope to see a better turn out next week.  No 10 meter session tonight.
73 de Dave KE4S

HF Net report for April 25, 2019.

We gathered tonight at 3.676 MHz due to QRN below us on our normal frequency of 3.675. We also listened for general class license holders at 3.810-3.818 MHz but heard no one. Those that checked in tonight:

  • W2YE, Dick
  • KE4S, Dave
  • K3WD, Bill
  • N4PD, Paul
  • N0JSD, John
  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)

75 Meters was in great shape as was 10 meters (28.405 MHz). Signals were between +20 and +40 at my QTH. It was good to hear everyone tonight. Thank you for joining the net with us.


AMSAT Journal 50th Anniv. Edition Free Download

And on the heels of John W5ODJ’s 1st satellite QSO (congrats!), AMSAT-NA has made their special 50th Anniversary Edition of The AMSAT Journal available to all. Some wonderful satellite history in this issue – a keeper!  If you enjoy this issue, please consider joining AMSAT today!

The .pdf is here.

See you on “the birds”! 73 de KS1G

I finally made it happen.

Yesterday I was able to make my first satellite contact. I documented my experience here. If you want to check out my experience go check out my story.

Thanks for Steve, KS1G, for all the help over the years. It takes some of us longer than others to learn stuff like this! 🙂

It was good fun. I highly recommend the effort.



2m Net report for April 21, 2019

This is the post-net report for the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM. Tonight the net was held on the WA4TXE/R 146.700 MHz (-) (no PL tone). W5ODJ (John) was NCS for the evening.

Those who checked in were:

  • WB2UNA, John
  • N4PDY, Mike
  • KG4UPR, Bryan
  • KM4NPK, Nelson
  • W5ODJ, John

it was a family weekend with excellent weather for outdoor activities. Some of us got the chance to dust off a radio and get back on the air. Working hard not to let work get in the way of our fun activities.

The repeater was having some kind of an issue on the input side of things. I had to use high power to get in full quieting. This is something new. The others were having trouble keeping the repeater when transmitting. The net was a bit weird and disjointed but not enough to switch to the standby since there were so few of us.

Digital net report for April 14, 2019.

A net was called at 19:30 local time. Those attending were KG4UPR and W5ODJ (NCS). The conversation was informal mostly about the severe weather in the area at the present time, moving and operating /M in the coming days/months. The net was secured at 19:55.