Wednesday 6M SSB Report, 07 June 2023

Opened on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2012. No check-ins this evening. Stop by on Wednesday evening and say “Hello!” to prove that your rigs still work on 6 meters.


Chris, W4PMP

Wednesday 6M SSB Report, 31 May 2023

Opened on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2040. We had three check-ins: N4PD (Paul), KM3DR (Lee) and myself. Discussions and topics varied, worked to improve signals between stations. Stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!” to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters.


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report May 25, 2023

Open 26/0000Z on 3678 KHz
Listen 3805 KHz for General class ops
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE
KE4S Dave
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
K8SYH Bill, net control

Bill called the net on 3678 KHz to stay clear of ongoing QSO on 3675. Good to hear Bryan check in from Delaware. We talked about individual plans for FD coming up next month.
Closed 0025Z
No session tonight on 10 meters.

Wednesday 6M SSB Report, 24 May 2023

Opened on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2020. We had two check-ins: KM3DR (Lee) and myself. Discussions and topics varied. Stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!” to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters.


Chris, W4PMP

Sunday 2M Net, 21 May 2023

Net commenced at 2000 local on the 146.70 repeater. Check-ins:

  • K2BFY Henry
  • WA4KBM Kevin
  • WA4TXE Dave
  • W4HCP Tom
  • K3WD Bill
  • KI4NHB Eric
  • KC3KGB Gina
  • N4PD Paul
  • KM4EGM Luke
  • W4PMP Chris (net control)

Topics tonight:  Club meeting, Gravel Grinder, MayFest, Volunteers needed and real life.

Net was secured 2030.


Chris, W4PMP

May 14th LARG 2M Net

The net commenced at 8pm

K2BFY Henry
K3WD Bill

The Net was secured at 8:27pm

Kevin WA4KBM

Thursday SSB Net Report May 11, 2023

Thursday SSB Net May 11, 2023
Open 12/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3805 KHz for General class ops
N1RM Rick
K8SYH Bill
K3WD Bill
N4PD Paul
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0024Z

Open 0026 on 28.405 MHz
QNI none
N4PD Paul net control
Closed 0027Z

LARG 2M 30 April 2023

The World Famous LARG 2m radio net commenced at 8PM’

K2BFY – Henry NCS

Wa4KBM – Kevin Assistant NCS

N4RAF – Steve

KO4SET – Bill

WE3N – Steve

KO4PXG – John

KQ4HTV – Samuel

Net secured at 815pm.

Kevin McCrory, WA4KBM

Thursday SSB Net Report May 04, 2023

Open 05/0000Z on 3675 KHz
Listen 3815 KHz for General class ops
KE4S Dave
K8SYH Bill
KG4UPR/M Bryan – DE
KO1J Randy, 10w from CT
N4PD Paul, net control
Closed 0025Z

Open 0026 on 28.405 MHz
N4PD Paul
Closed 0027Z