Kjell Lindgren, KO5MOS (Twitter: @astro_kjell) was active for Field Day 2022 from the International Space Station (ISS) as NA1SS. K4LRG (Steve, KS1G operator) worked Kjell during the Sunday 0815 UTC (4:15 AM EDT) pass of the ISS over the Southeast and Eastern US. KO5MOS was using the ARISS radio system in the Columbus module, configured as a 2M uplink/ 70cm downlink FM system. K4LRG using the satellite trailer system acquired by the club in December 2019.
Listen to the recording:

This is straight up cool stuff, Steve! I know that so much work goes into this very brief contact and I applaud your tenacity to make it happen. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Wow! Awesome!
I know that the picture was not taken at the time of contact as it was in the very early hours of the morning. I had just awakened from my short nap and wandered into Steve’s tent. Perfect timing. Note that Steve was very focused on his contact as he appears to be in the picture. I’m sure that passes of the ISS generate much more of a pileup when they occur during daylight hours.