2M Net Rpt 6-27-2021

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on Dulles Radio Club repeater KI4AD 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Cnt, Net Mgr
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cnt
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • W3VAR Chuck Leesburg
  • KO4ANI Mike Leesburg
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • K5KVX Ray Aldie
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KO4NMN Kevin Leesburg
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg

The topic on this Field Day weekend was “What did you do on Field Day 1957”. K2BFY described his 1957 field day using a 2M AM Gonset. Others talked about what they did this Field Day. The traffic jams coming back from the beach were also discussed. 73

2M Net Rpt 6-20-2021

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on Dulles Radio Club repeater 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Net Cnt
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Alt Net Cnt
  • K1NSA Brian Leesburg Hand Held
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg Mobile
  • W3VAR Chuck Leesburg Base
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville Base
  • W4PMP Chris Ashburn Base
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford Base
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg Base
  • W5ODJ John Base

The topic on this Father’s Day: ” Is/was your Father a Ham, and if not, what was his favorite hobby?” The LARG meeting Saturday was in person. Hopefully, they will continue to be. 73

2M Net Rpt 5-23-2021

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz by Henry K2BFY Net Mgr/Net Cntl. Check Ins:

  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • KO4OCN Mike Landsdowne
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • KO4NMN Kevin Leesburg
  • KG4RRN Bob Charles Town, WV

73, Henry [email protected]

2M Net Rpt 5-16-2021

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz by Henry K2BFY Net Mgr/Net Cntl. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan
  • N4PDY Mike
  • W4HCP Tom
  • AK2M Kevin
  • K0ZR Jeff
  • K3WD Bill
  • KO4OCN Mike
  • KO4NMN Kevin
  • KO4PXG John
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K4BCR Danny

Anyone interested in being net control feel free to contact me. 73 Henry [email protected]

2M Net 3-28-2021

Net was held 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Mgr/Cnt
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cnt
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling Pres
  • W3HDB Dan Bethesda
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • KO4MBI Eric Leesburg
  • KM4HRR Brendan Reston Dir NVFMA
  • KG7KQN Nick

WB2UNA reported 20M contacts on new antenna. N4PDY reported successful vaccinations for himself and wife. Thanks to W3HDB for coming in from Bethesda MD. KM4HRR confirmed 77 Hz tone for NVFMA, and 110.9 Hz for VWS. The Net was secured at 8:50. 73

2M Net Rpt 3-14-2021

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz tone. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Mgr/Net Ctl
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Alternate Net
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • WB6EFW Scott Ashburn
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • AF4LL Bill Falls Ch
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville

K2BFY gave a reminder concerning the VA QSO Party being held next weekend. Further discussion of Traveling-Wave Tubes and Magnetrons. The Net was secured at 9 PM. 73

2M Net Rpt 3-7-2021

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz tone. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Mgr
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Net Cntl
  • WB6EFW Scott Ashburn Alt Net Cntl
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KO4MBI Eric Leesburg
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • W4HCP Tom Leesburg
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville

K2BFY thanked the 2M Net team for continuing support. Kudos to WB6EFW and KO4MBI for upgrading to General, and to KO4MBI for first participation in a net. AB3KC made a very interesting report concerning a whistling incoming object which exploded at sunset Wednesday March 3, 2021 in the Waterford vicinity. Firefighters and LCSO Deputy responded, but there was no mention in the LCSO Incident Reports. A high powered commercial firework, or . . .? K0ZR reported poor HF band conditions. We’re all hoping for better as the solar cycle progresses. The net was secured at 9 PM. 73 KI4AD

220 Net Rpt 2-1-2021

The LARG 220 Net was convened 8 PM local on the K3MAD Repeater 224.2 123 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Cnt
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cnt
  • AC3EW Mark Frederick, MD

Topics discussed included USN search and height finder radars, along with a possible 220 repeater in Ashburn. The net was secured at 8:48. 73

2M Net Rpt 1-31-2021

The net was convened 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Net Cnt
  • WB6EFW Scott Alt Net Cnt
  • KN4RHW Rick Ashburn
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg

Topics: Super Bowl 55 favorite. Picks included Buccaneers, Chiefs, anyone but Brady, Buffalo Bills, Lions, Washington, and don’t care. The Dulles Radio Winter Field Day and Covid vaccination progress was discussed. The Net was secured 9 PM. 73

2M Net Rpt 1-10-2021

The Sunday 2M net was convened at 8:30 PM local time 1-10-2021 on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Cntl, Net Mgr
  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • KS1G Steve Herndon
  • W4PMP Chris Ashburn
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • KC3PIY Dietrich Germantown, MD
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • K6PS Paul Leesburg
  • KO4KFE Nick Ashburn
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • W6SJ Dave Sterling
  • AC3CW Mark Frederick, MD

Information was requested about the outdoor Dulles Radio Winter Field Day 2 PM local Jan 30 through 2 PM local Jan 31 in Ashburn. Info can be found at www.ki4ad.org. KO4KFE was congratulated for his first On the Air Contact today, as was KC3PIY for his first On the Air Digital Contact today on 145.31. Information was exchanged regarding JPole antennae and propane heat for garage and shed. The net was secured at 9:14. 73 KI4AD