LARG December Party

A LARGe “thank you” to John (W5ODJ) and Gloria Westerman for opening their home for the club’s Christmas party the evening of December 17. The food was plentiful with lots of amateur radio discussion throughout the evening. Westerman’s have provided such a wonderful venue in past years not only for December gatherings such as this, but in previous years, multiple 5A Field day efforts. Thank you again John and Gloria for your very significant support to LARG and its members!

LARG Feb 3, 2022 HF Nets

75 m check ins included:

K3WD, KE4S, N4PD, W0MPM, and W5ODJ.

10m check ins included:

W5ODJ, W0MPM, K3WD, and KE4S.

Some unusual propagation conditions tonight on 75m. Normally signals at K0ZR QTH are much stronger on a 75 foot height inverted Vee compared to a full-size vertical, but tonight the reverse was the case. Some stations were readable only by use a beverage antenna. 10m was nice and quiet tonight. Most notably, the solar flux is higher than I have seen in several years so this is the time to do some HF operating.


75m HF Net Dec 30, 2021

The last 75m net of the year had just a few check-ins.

K8SYH Bill
W5ODJ John
K0ZR Jeff

Some discussions about plans for the upcoming new year and net closed ~ 8:10 PM. HNY to all.

K0ZR, Jeff

LARG HF Net August 26, 2021

NCS for the net was K0ZR. Four check-ins tonight on 75m included: K8SYH, K3WD, KE4S, and N4PD. A QSY to 10mm, KE4S checked in.

Conditions were reasonably favorable with noise levels actually low given the amount of thunderstorm activity within a few hundred miles of Leesburg. Interestingly, N4PD’s signal varied between 20 dB over S9 to 60 dB over S9 at K0ZR’s QTH.

CW HF Net July 14

There were four check-ins this evening: K0ZR, K3WD, W0MPM, and KT9N. Not a lot to report with all the hot weather and virus impacts. We look forward to the return of K8SYH once he gets some antenna issues resolved.

Jeff, K0ZR

K0ZR & 13 Colonies

Ended up spending more time on this event than first envisioned. Did only CW, managing 1,252 QSOs. 40m was the “money band”. My attempts to “open-up” 10 & 15 m were ineffective as the numbers show.

LARG HF Net June 25 2020

Had a good turn-out for this evening’s 75m SSB net. Check-ins included:

  • K8SYH Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • KE4S Dave
  • N4CF Mike
  • KG4UPR/m Brian
  • W4PMP Chris
  • K3WD Bill
  • W0MPM John
  • N3NL Al
  • K0ZR Jeff (NCS)

Most of the discussion during the net centered around the upcoming Field Day weekend and people’s plans for operation. A large percentage of the check-ins plan to do some operating during the event which commences this Saturday at 1 PM EDT.

Signals were just average this evening; all stations were Q5 or better.

Only KE4S migrated to ten meters for further conversation.

Hope all is well with all our members (as well as others…..)

Jeff, K0ZR, NCS this week

Field Day

John, W5ODJ, thanks for sharing your thoughts on Field Days past. Yes, we certainly “did it big” and many of us have “big memories” of those times now in the history books. It was truly inspiring to see people, some whom you had not seen in some time, “show up” and we would together put all those antennas and radios on the air. It was certainly something to be proud of and feel good about. I do hope sometime again in the future those “fires of RF enthusiasm” can be rekindled and we do it again.

Jeff, K0ZR

75m LARG HF Net

Thursday, April 30th, was a great net on 75m. Conditions were very favorable with nice low levels of noise. Those checking in included:

N4PD, KE4S, KG4UPR/m Delaware, W5ODJ, K8SYH, K9JRK (Joe of Columbus OH), KJ4VTH, and K3WD

Discussion about favorable conditions and upcoming operating events this weekend, i.e. 4 QSO party type events and a 10-10 contest on CW. Also updates on N4PD’s tower as well as progress being made by KE4S in getting his Steppir back on his tower and fully functional.

The 75m session closed near 8:30 pm and the 10m session ended at 8:40 PM.

W5ODJ and N4PD checked in on 28.405

K0ZR, Jeff, NCS for this week

March 12 2020 HF Net

Good net was enjoyed by those who checked in Thursday evening. Check ins included:

Multiple threads of discussion included participation in the just completed ARRL SSB contest last weekend, CWTs of late, and some antenna comments.

Only stations on 10m included myself and N4PD.

Nets concluded at 0040.

NCS for this week, Jeff, K0ZR