Ended up spending more time on this event than first envisioned. Did only CW, managing 1,252 QSOs. 40m was the “money band”. My attempts to “open-up” 10 & 15 m were ineffective as the numbers show.

Ended up spending more time on this event than first envisioned. Did only CW, managing 1,252 QSOs. 40m was the “money band”. My attempts to “open-up” 10 & 15 m were ineffective as the numbers show.
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Nice, Jeff! Glad you could be involved in this event this year. It’s good fun. The nice thing is it’s self paced and the pileups are huge. Good fun! 73, John
Sounds like quite a bit of work, Jeff. I got all stations except NJ and VA (and GB13COL) in just a couple of hours. I was lucky enough to get both NJ and VA in the last few hours, within minutes of each other. I did not spend very long on the air, but was surprised that I almost never saw a spot for VA, and when I did, I heard not activity on that frequency. I did hear GB13COL the first night, but the pileup was huge and the pace very slow.
Rick, when you worked K2B, actually “me”, I felt it was a miracle I was able to pull you through. I think your signal might have been bouncing off a weather front or something like that. I’m still surprised my noise levels were low enough to allow me to even hear the hint of a signal….. Why I don’t know, but rarely did someone post K2B while I was operating; I did the posts that were on the web….
Nice work, Jeff and John. I only worked K2B one time, not sure who the op was at that time. I worked mostly CW and got the 15-station sweep on CW, but found the GB13COL was not often on CW (mostly SSB and some FT8) so it took a couple days to get him there. Thanks for putting in the time – I always enjoy the chase for this one.
73 de Dave KE4S
Congrats guys. I started chasing the 1st night (very glad I did) and I had most of the 13 by Friday, plus WM3PEN. K2M (PA) was the tough one – didn’t even or barely heard them until Sunday. I only heard GB13COL on Tuesday evening and there was no was I was busting that pileup.
I also operated as K2B on satellites. Gave out 81 satellite QSOs, worked a few K2s (K2F on PO-101 on my first pass on Jul 1), and made a few midwest and west coast ops happy.
73 Steve KS1G