Tuesday Slow CW Net Report Dec 3 2019

Net convened on 3544.5 KHz at scheduled time. We were down from the normal frequency to avoid traffic on 3545. Only two of us tonight – Bill K3WD and Dave KE4S. Had a nice chat about our equipment before closing at 8:20PM. Please join us next Tuesday at 8:00PM. 73 de Dave KE4S

Sorry I was unable to join in tonight. I’m out of town again. Looking forward to seeing you as well as others at our upcoming party event this Saturday night. K0ZR

Thursday SSB Net Report 21Nov 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 22 NOV 2019 Open 0100Z
Listening 3808 KHz for General class ops to check-in

  • K3WD Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • N0JSD John
  • W0MPM John
  • KE4S Dave, net control

We discussed the ISS contact evolution in which NoJSD participated with the Farmwell Middle School.
Closed 0120Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0121Z

  • W0MPM John
  • N0JSD John
  • W5ODJ John
  • KE4S Dave, NCS

Closed 0128Z

Please join us next Thursday (or any other Thursday!) 73 de Dave KE4S

Net Report: Tuesday Slow CW Net, Nov 12, 2019

Called the net schedule at 8:00PM with KT9N, W5ODJ, and KE4S in the conversation. Good signals from all, and I was happy to report I have put my SteppIR back in service after 6 months of making repairs and upgrades. Now I need to start work on my 160/80 meter inverted L – it still is giving problems, but at least I can get on the air on 80 with a G5RV. Chris reported some heavy QRM in northern Leesburg, but John and I had good copy on him. Thanks for checking in – others are welcome to join us each Tuesday evening, and we operate at the speed of the slowest participant. 73 de Dave KE4S

Tuesday CW Net Report Nov 5 2019

Called the net at 8:00PM with K3WD checking in. His signal was barely readable, so with no further checkins, I closed the net. Please join us next week on our normal schedule. 73 de Dave KE4S

Thursday SSB Net Report Oct 17 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 18 OCT 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3813 KHz for General class ops to check-in
W0MPM John
W5ODJ John
KE4S Dave, net control
We discussed our current progress on antenna projects, software upgrades, and vagaries of telecom company provisioning and billing. We closed at 0032Z.

Please join us next week or any Thursday at 8:00PM.
73 de Dave KE4S

Thursday SSB Net Report 10 OCT 2019

80m – 3670 KHz on 11 OCT 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3815 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K3WD Bill
KE4S Dave, net control

Called the net on 3670 to be clear of traffic just above our normal frequency. Signals good, but some QRN as background at S7. We talked a bit about the weather in the west, and about our antenna work. My tower is likely to be back in service in the next couple of days, so I should have it ready before winter storms arrive. This net is open for anyone to check in – please join us every Thursday at 8:00PM.
Closed 0015Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz
No net tonight. My wire antennas do not tune 10 meters, and nobody picked it up.
73 de Dave KE4S

Thursday HF SSB Net Report 3Oct2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 4 OCT 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3816 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K3WD Bill
W0MPM John
KE4S Dave, net control

Closed 0017Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz
No net tonight. My antenna does not tune 10 meters, and nobody picked it up.

Thursday HF SSB Net Report 26SEP2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 27 SEP 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3831 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K8SYH Bill
W5ODJ John
KE4S Dave, net control

Since this is the prime season for antenna work, we took a couple rounds to discuss the progress on our individual projects. We are all hoping to finish the projects soon to be ready for the Fall and Winter seasons.
Closed 0017Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz
No net tonight. My antenna does not tune 10 meters, and nobody picked it up.

Tuesday Slow CW Net Report Jul 30, 2019

Called the net as scheduled at 8PM, We had four of us aboard tonight: W5ODJ (John), KT9N (Chris), K3WD (Bill), and KE4S (Dave). The band was not real good, but workable – lightning storm about 15 miles away. We chatted about the weather, our keying, and my finally getting a wire antenna back in the air after a couple months of withdrawal symptoms from lack of CW. Closed the net at 8:34. Please join us next week at the regularly scheduled time. 73 de Dave KE4S.

LARG Tuesday CW Net Report 6/11/2019

Called the weekly slow cw net at 8:00PM with only two check ins – K3WD (Bill) and me. We had a nice 30 minute qso discussing family visits and vacations.  Also, along with all the other ham activities this coming weekend, don’t forget that this weekend is the Summer Stew Perry 160 meter cw contest.  I hope to get a few more South America contacts after the club meeting and the ham fest.  73 de Dave KE4S