LARG Tuesday CW Net Report 6/11/2019

Called the weekly slow cw net at 8:00PM with only two check ins – K3WD (Bill) and me. We had a nice 30 minute qso discussing family visits and vacations.  Also, along with all the other ham activities this coming weekend, don’t forget that this weekend is the Summer Stew Perry 160 meter cw contest.  I hope to get a few more South America contacts after the club meeting and the ham fest.  73 de Dave KE4S

Thursday SSB Net Report 6 Jun 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 7 JUN 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3814 KHz for General class ops to check-in
K3WD Bill S9
K8SYH Bill S7-S9
NoJSD John +10 on 3814
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0019Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz
Not called: my antenna out of service on 10m

73 de Dave KE4S

Tues Slow CW Net Report 14 May 2019

We had three check ins tonight on 80 meters, with quiet band conditions: KT9N Chris, K3WD Bill, and KE4S Dave. Nice chat and reminded each other about the club meeting coming up on Saturday. See you there!
73 de Dave KE4S

Thursday SSB Net Report 9 May 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 10 MAY 2019 Open 0000Z
Listening 3818 KHz for General class ops to check-in

K3WD Bill
K4FWD Frank
N0JSD John
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0011Z

10m – Open 0013Z on 28.405 MHz

KE4S Dave
N0JSD John, net control
Closed 0017Z

Thursday SSB Net Report 5/2/2019

Opened the net at 8:00PM as usual.  Only Bill K8SYH and Dave KE4S made it tonight.  Conditions were very poor so we chatted briefly and closed down.  Hope to see a better turn out next week.  No 10 meter session tonight.
73 de Dave KE4S

HF SSB Net Report April 11, 2019

Called the net at 8:00pm on 3676kHz to avoid traffic just below. Check-ins:
K8SYH Bill, K3WD Bill, and KE4S Dave. We discussed fishing, weekend weather coming up, grandkids in college, and 160 meter operations. Closed this session at 8:16 and called the second session on 28.405MHz, no check-ins. Secured at 8:18pm. Next week the scheduled net control is Dick W2YE.
73 de Dave KE4S

HF SSB Net Report April 4, 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 05APR2019 Open 0000Z

Listening 3828 KHz for General class ops to check-in

  • K8SYH Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • K3WD Bill
  • KJ4VTH Bill
  • KE4S Dave, net control

The new web site is active. We discussed briefly what is needed to add information to the new web site. We also talked about Bill (which one?) and his TS-450.

Closed 0022Z

10m – Open 0024Z on 28.405 MHz

  • W5ODJ John
  • Dave KE4S

We discussed how to publish these minutes on the web site. We shall see how well it works!

The net was closed at 0035Z