Check Ins:
- AK2M Kevin Herndon
- K2BFY Henry Sterling
- WB2UNA John Leesburg
- KC4RCR Rousseu Front Royal
- AI4ID Sean Leesburg
- KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
- K4AIU Doug Chantilly
- K3WD Bill Lovettsville
- KN4BHN Chris Aldee
- K9CQB Damon Leesburg
- W5ODJ John Lovettsville
- W0GBG Brian Bluemont
- KO4DDA Paul Ashburn
- AB3KC Collins Waterford
- K4JB Jim Ashburn
- KQ4CI Evan Ashburn Alt Net Cntl, Rptr Cntl Op
- W4PSO Marc Ashburn Net Control
It was a superbly directed, fun, and well attended net tonight. K2BFY submitted proof that the “Earth is Flat” proponents are wrong. If correct, cats would have knocked everything off the edge. Proper location for additional grounding rods was discussed. We have possible volunteers to re-institute the LARG balloon flights, which will be discussed with management. One ham was operating from his basement without outside antenna, which was a good idea considering the lightning storms passing through. The net was secured at 9:09 PM local.