04-13-2020 Lunch Check-In Results from KT9N

This is being shared for Chris KT9N. Just a reminder that he is coordinating these lunch get togethers and they are set as reoccurring events using the original link.

Monday Zoom Luncheon Meeting from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM on April 13, 2020

We had eight people check into the Monday Zoom Luncheon meeting:

KD4BK Barry Bennecoff
KD4HAX Joe Klein
KE4S Dave Putman
KG4UPR Bryan Stephens
KJ4VTH Bill Robbins
KT9N Chris Fristad
N4PDY Mike White
N0JSD John Dykstra

During the meeting we discussed a variety of topics from what kind of equipment we had in our shacks to logging packages and Dave, KE4S, did a screen share so that we could see the various modules of the DXLab Suite. A number of individuals, including Dave, use N1MM+ for logging but it was recognized that
it was a “contesting” package. For everyday logging I think everyone was impressed with the DX Keeper module of the DXLab Suite. During the meeting there were a number of Tornado warnings for our area and most seemed to be keeping an eye on what was happening with the weather radar.

A number of the attendees stated they were looking forward to next week.

Updated Virtual Meeting Info for Saturday 04-18-2020 0830

Please check your e-mail for an updated meeting link for our upcoming club meeting.

We have made some changes to address members concerns over security.

All info should be addressed in the email but should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

Hope to see you then.

Doug – K4AIU

Sunday 2M Net Report

Easter Sunday Edition….

Topics tonight included Astron power supply upgrades, 10W mobile operation, Hatteras Island observations, and server dev ops supporting the JITSI open source videoconferencing tool (a more secure tool than zoom).

Announcements included an upcoming virtual club meeting next Saturday and a virtual Monday lunch meeting and the potential for a squall line weather event in the area early Monday morning. The net started at 8:30pm and closed around 8:50pm. Thanks for everyone who participated tonight.

Check-ins Tonight:
K3WD Bill
K2BFY Henry
N4PDY Mike
K4AIU Doug
KQ4CI Evan
KD4NYX Wendy
AB3KC Collins (NC)

Happy Easter and Stay Safe and 73!

Virtual Meetings

Hi All,

There has been a lot of concern regarding the use of virtual meeting sites and their vulnerability. I am discussing the best course of action with the club’s IT Committee and look forward to their recommendations. I realize that everyone has their personal opinion on the best application. We will do our best to find a platform that meets security concerns and ALSO provides a simple and friendly means for ALL members who wish participate.

Please be patient this week and continue to check your e-mail for updated meeting information as we continue to evaluate the best means for the club.

Have a great night,


Monday Virtual Lunch Opportunity

Good Evening All,

Chris KT9N had the wonderful idea of coordinating a virtual lunch get together on Mondays from 1130 to 1300. Due to the current inability to meet in person this will be an excellent opportunity meet and converse with friends. Participants are encouraged to bring along a question or topic to discuss but this is not mandatory and also feel free to just come by and say hi.

Please check your e-mail for the details and password set up by Chris and forwarded by me.



Net Report: Thursday SSB, Apr 9 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 10APR 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3835 KHz for General class ops to check-in

K3SEN Dale, FL S9
N4CF Mike, Mineral, VA +20
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5
K3WD Bill +10
K0ZR Jeff +20
AB3KC Collins S9
W5ODJ John +15
N0JSD John +10 on 3835
KJ4NXG Bob +5
W4PMP Chris +5
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed 0130Z

The net continued to 10 meters on 28.405. W5ODJ was NCS for that net and there was 1 checkin; AB3KC. There was a faint station in there but neither of us could make it out. After a few rounds we closed things down.

Another nice turnout tonight. Lots of discussion about the high winds and our bouts with cabin fever. Gotta love the breaks we get having this radio capability. I hope to hear more folks next week – please join us if you can.
73 de Dave KE4S

LARG 2M Net 4-5-2020

The net commenced at 8:30 PM local.

  • N4PDY Mike
  • WB2UNA John
  • KI4FWB Kurt
  • K0ZR Jeff
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K4ZNK Bob
  • K4AIU Doug
  • W5ODJ John
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K3WD Bill
  • K2BFY Henry Net Manager & Net Control
  • KQ4CI Evan Alternate Net Control & Repeater Control Operator

Discussions included Zoom for the next LARG meeting, and the fact that masks are illegal in VA. The net was closed at 9:03 local. Thanks again to K2BFY for taking the net and taking on 2M net manager. Don’t forget the 220 net tomorrow. 73 KQ4CI

Thursday SSB Net Report 2 Apr 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 03APR 2020 Open 0000Z
Listening 3835 KHz for General class ops to check-in
KG4UPR/M Bryan in DE S9
W3IP Mike +20
K8SYH Bill +5-10
W2YE Dick +10-15
AB3KC Collins S8
KoZR Jeff +15
W5ODJ John +10
KS1G Steve +15
K3WD Bill +10
N4PD Paul +20
KI2H Harry Purcellville S8
NC4S Gary NC +5
KJ4NXG Bob +10-15
AJ4TW Cameron in Greensboro NC
KE4S Dave, net control
Lots of participation tonight, filled with good comments and pleasant conversation. Great to hear the familiar voices as well as some new ones. Please join us next Thursday evening for another round.

Closed 0150Z for John to pick up on 10 meters.

April Virtual Meeting Date & Time

Just for clarification the meeting will be held on our normally scheduled meeting date at our normal meeting time.  I will try to open the virtual meeting approximately 15 minutes early (0815) so that folks can get settled in and comfortable with Zoom if they choose.
Date :   April 18th, 2020Time :   0830
Have a good night,
Doug, K4AIU 

April 18, 2020 LARG Meeting will be Virtual Only

Hi All,

First I hope that this email finds you well.

Due to the continued public health concerns, the Governors Stay at Home order and with our meeting venue unavailable we will not be able to meet in person.

With that said we will attempt to hold a virtual meeting via zoom. It is really simple to use. You may utilize a computer or simply call in via telephone using the number provided.

For Zoom conference information please check an e-mail from W5ODJ with the details on how to get into the conference.

Here is a short video on how to utilize zoom:

If it is your first time with Zoom, I recommend joining a few minutes early.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Doug Coulter – K4AIU
Loudoun Amateur Radio Group