2m Net Report; February 23, 2020

We seated the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM at 20:30 local time. Tonight was on the WA4TXE/R on 146.700 MHz (no pl).

Check-ins were as follows:

  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)
  • KG4TIH, Paulson
  • KU4FT, Chris
  • K0ZR, Jeff
  • KD4HAX, Joe
  • W4PMP, Chris
  • KO4ANI, Mike
  • N4PD, Paul
  • K4JB, Jim
  • K4MNA, Mitch
  • N4PDY, Mike

Reminder: The Extra class is on Mondays (tomorrow).

Everyone have a great week!



Sunday night digital net report.

As you likely know, we meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time for a brief digital net. Anyone is welcome. For all the details on this net you can find it here.

There were two checkins tonight:

  • John, W5ODJ (NCS)
  • Paulson, KG4TIH

We had a nice, hour long, conversation and tested two different bands. It was nice to catch up with Paulson over a digital QSO.



2 Meter net report

We held the 2 meter net tonight (February 16, 2020). There were 6 check-ins:

  • W5ODJ, NCS
  • N4PDY
  • KD4NYX
  • KD4HAX
  • WA4TXE
  • KK4TNO

Mike let us know there are going to be 11 students in this next Extra class training. He let us know that N1RM is mostly organizing this training and that it has gone very well.

Remember that tomorrow is when we meet at Wegmans for lunch. If you are free you might consider joining us.

Thank so all who took the time to test their radio gear. Everyone have a great week.

Thursday SSB Net Report Feb 13 2020

A very short net tonight. Check-in from Jeff KoZR with Dave KE4S as ncs. We chatted briefly about the ARRL International DX CW contest starting tomorrow, and our expectations for our antenna systems in the contest, particularly on the low bands. Please join us next week at 8:00PM on 3675 KHz. We will announce a frequency in the General class portion of the band for check-ins there. 73 de Dave KE4S.

Thursday SSB Net Report Feb 6, 2020

Net control tonight was Bill, K8SYH with check-in from Dave KE4S. We discussed the generous rainfall we have been having and its impact on delaying our antenna work. A late check-in from Chris W4PMP completed the net as we closed at 8:21.

Tuesday Slow CW Net, Feb 4 2020

I called the net on schedule at 8:00PM with checkins from Chris KT9N and Rick N1RM. Great to have Rick back on after several months. We talked a bit about our visit to Frostfest and Rick talked about the progress on his new tower. Closed the net at 8:25. Join us next week on 3545KHz at 8PM EST. 73 de Dave KE4S

Wednesday Night 6-Meter SSB Net, 29 January 2020

I opened the net on 50.130 MHz at 2000 and closed at 2015. We had two check-ins: W2YE (Dick) and myself. The discussions tonight focused on HF antennas and experiences trying to keep them working properly. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights to make sure your rigs still work on 6 meters and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report 23 Jan 2020

80m – 3675 KHz on 24 JAN 2019 Open 0100Z
Listening 3822 KHz for General class ops to check-in
W2YE Dick
N4PD Paul
KoZR Jeff
W4PMP Chris
K9JRK Joe, Columbus OH
KE4S Dave, net control

We discussed some of the characteristics of our different 80 meter antennas. Chris has done some mods to his antenna, and has a much improved signal. Just as we were closing, Joe joined us from Columbus and we continued a conversation with him for several minutes.
Closed 0120Z

Dave KE4S

Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net Report

I started the 6-meter net last night on 50.130 MHz at 8pm. We had three check-ins: N4PD (Paul), W2YE (Dick) and myself. It was great to host this net once again and I plan to keep it going into the future. Make sure you stop by on Wednesday Nights and say “Hello!”


Chris, W4PMP

LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

The most famous 2 meter net was held on Sunday January 19, 2020 at 20:30 local time. John Westerman presided the NCS operation. Those that attended were:

  • WB2UNA
  • N4PDY
  • K2BFY
  • K4FWD
  • K0ZR
  • KK4TNO
  • W4PNP
  • KN4PIZ
  • W5ODJ

Thank you all for joining the net and testing your gear to insure proper operation. Thanks to Dulles Radio for the use of their repeater tonight. I hope to see you on one of the other nets coming up this week.

