Feb 4, 2024 2m Net

Net commenced at 8pm
K2BFY Henry
WA4TXE David

Discussion on Farady Cloth for use with vertical
HF Antennas. Also and update on the 700 and 850

Net Secured at 821PM

January Meeting Program Posted

Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and ice spots to come out this morning. The presentation and video from today’s January LARG meeting are posted!
(scroll down to the bottom of the page)

Thank you to Gary, N7BRJ, for his informative talk on Amateur Radio Astronomy.

Good luck to everyone participating in the ARRL January VHF Contest, the North America QSO Party, or chasing the TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition!

“See” you all on the air and at next month’s meeting. 73 Steve KS1G, LARG VP.

Sunday 2M Net, 07 January 2024

Net commenced at 2000 local on the 146.70 repeater. Check-ins:

  • K2BFY Henry
  • W5ODJ John
  • KS1G Steve
  • WA4TXE Dave
  • K3WD Bill
  • KO4KOW Dennis
  • W4PMP Chris (net control)

Topics tonight:  Car Key Fobs, Repeater Update, 20 Jan Club Meeting, Elections, 19″ Equipment Racks, Call for new BOD Members, New Ham, and real life.

Net was secured 2035.


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report Dec 28, 2023

Thursday SSB Net Dec 28, 2Ø23
Open 29DEC/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 385Ø KHz for General class ops
K8SYH Bill +1Ø
N1RM, Rick +25
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5
K3WD Bill +2Ø
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed Ø12ØZ

Open 29/Ø121Z on 28.4Ø5 MHz
N1RM Rick +5
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed Ø123Z

I will be posting the CY24 Net Control roster in the next few days. Be sure to look for your assignments. Happy New Year!

Thursday SSB Net Report 21 Dec, 2Ø23

Thursday SSB Net Dec 21, 2Ø23
Open 22DEC/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3813KHz for General class ops
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5-1Ø
K4FWD Frank +15
KE4S Dave +2Ø
K8SYH Bill, +15 net control
Closed Ø115Z

Open 22/Ø116Z on 28.4Ø5 MHz
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed Ø118Z

Merry Christmas

Sunday 2M Net, 17 December 2023

Net commenced at 2000 local on the 146.70 repeater. Check-ins:

  • K2HCO Jeremiah
  • N1NCY Nancy
  • WA4TXE Dave
  • W4PMP Chris (net control)

Topics tonight:  Portable Antenna Engineering Update, Prospective Dipole Project, Dave’s Birthday, Christmas preparations and real life.

Net was secured 2023.


Chris, W4PMP

Thursday SSB Net Report Dec 7, 2Ø23

Thursday SSB Net Dec 7, 2Ø23
Open 08DEC/Ø1ØØZ on 3675 KHz
Listen on 3817KHz for General class ops
K3WD Bill +2Ø
KG4UPR/M Bryan, DE +5
W5ODJ John +15
KE4S Dave, net control
Closed Ø115Z
Open Ø117Z on 28.4Ø5 MHz
K3WD Bill
W5ODJ John
Closed Ø12Ø