LARG 2M Sun Net Rpt 12-27-2020

The Net was convened 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. KI4AD was net control. Check Ins:

  • N4PDY Mike Sterling
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KM4EGM Luke Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville

N4PDY discussed his candidacy for LARG Pres. Don’t forget to have your membership dues up to date so you can vote in the next Club meeting. K2BFY discussed 2M calling frequencies and repeater coordination. The Net was secured at 8:49. This is the last 2M net for 2020. 73 & Happy New Year 2021!

220 Net Rpt 12-21-2020

The Net was convened 8 PM local on repeater 224.2 123 Hz. KI4AD was the Net Control Operator.

Check Ins: K4FW Jim Leesburg

The Net was secured at 8:08. Merry Christmas, Best Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year! 73 KI4AD

2M Net Rep 12-6-2020

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM Local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • W3VAR Chuck Landsdown
  • W4PSO Mark & Grace Ashburn
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KN4HOZ Steve Sterling
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • KC4RCR Rousseau Berryville

W5ODJ has posted instructions for the Digital Watering Hole, held Sunday nights 7:30. The net was secured at 8:58 73 KI4AD

2M Net Rep 11-29-2020

The Net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins Follow:

  • K2BFY Henry Sterling Net Cntl
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • W3VAR Chuck Leesburg
  • K3WD Bill Lovettsville
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn
  • W4PSO Marc Ashburn
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • KO4JCH Jeff Leesburg

Tubes were discussed. Tube night at 3938 Khz 8 PM, you need at least 3 tubes. Russian tubes. Audio Tubes. The net was secured at 8:55. W5ODJ followed the net with an excellent discussion of HF Digital for the Digital Water Hole Net, 7:30 PM Sundays.

2M Net Rep 11-22-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 14531 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • WB2UNA John Leesburg
  • W4PSO Marc Mobile Ashburn
  • K5KVX Ray Aldie
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • AB3KC Collins Waterford
  • K0ZR Jeff Purcellville
  • KD4NYX Wendy Leesburg
  • KD4HAX Joe Leesburg
  • W5ODJ John Lovettsville
  • KD4BK Barry Sterling
  • KI4AD Evan Ashburn Net Ctl

Discussions included the excellent presentation at the last LARG meeting by Bob Heil of Heil Sound, what we’re having for Thanksgiving dinner, and to make sure and get your dues in by Jan 1, 2021. The net was secured at 8:50. 73 & Happy Thanksgiving!

2M Net Rep 11-15-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM Local.  Check Ins:

  • W4PSO       Marc     Net Cntl            Ashburn
  • K2BFY         Henry    Alt Net Cntl    Sterling
  • N4PDY        Mike      Sterling
  • AK2M          Kevin     Great Falls
  • KN4HOZ   Steve     Potomac Falls
  • AB3KC      Collins   Waterford
  • W3VAR    Chuck    Landsdown
  • KI4AD        Evan      Ashburn
  • WA3UEA  Lukas   Arlington
  • W5ODJ      John     Lovetsville
  • Gavin         (W4PSO Cntl Op)

There was general discussion of the historic SpaceX Crew-1 launch.  N4PDY announced that there would be a special guest presenting at the next LARG meeting.  Bob Heil, of Heil Sound, will discuss microphones.  AK2M demonstrated the Icom 750 to Boy Scouts.  There will be no LARG Holiday Party next month, but there will be a LARG monthly meeting.   The net was secured at 9:02 local.

2M Net Rep 11-1-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. Check Ins:

  • N0JSD John Alt Net Ctl
  • WB2UNA John
  • K2BFY Henry
  • N4PDY Mike
  • W3VAR Chuck
  • AB3KC Collins
  • K3WD Bill
  • W4HCP Tom
  • KI4AD Evan Net Ctl

Kudos to N4PDY and the LARG Education Committee for graduating another class of Technicians! Steady winds of 20 MPH gusting to 50 MPH were a good test of antenna stability. The net was secured at 8:46. 73 & Thanks to all who checked in, hope to hear you next week!

2M Net Rep 10-25-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 local on 145.31 PL 77.

Check Ins:

  • W4PSO Marc *Control Op for the following:
  • Tess
  • Reese
  • Grace
  • Gavin
  • KS1G Steve
  • W0MPM John
  • W3VAR Chuck
  • AB3KC Collins
  • KI4AD Evan
  • KN4HOZ Steve
  • K4AIU Doug
  • KC5CG Gump
  • K2BFY Henry Net Ctl

KS1G discussed new equipment on ARISS. W0MPM said that he has much good stuff for sale, needs to clean up the shack. The net was secured at 8:58 PM local.

2M Net 9-20-2020

The Net was convened at 8:31 PM local. Check Ins:

  • N4PDY Mike
  • KD4HAX Joe
  • W3VAR Chuck
  • KD4NYX Wendy
  • KM4EGM Luke
  • K3WD Bill
  • KN4HOZ Steve
  • KI4AD Evan
  • W5ODJ John
  • W4PSO Marc
  • AK2M Kevin
  • K2BFY Henry Net Control/Net Manager

LARG will be conducting a Tech Class. Please see website for more details. 145.31 and 448.825 repeaters now have Dulles Radio callsign KI4AD. The net was secured at 9:00 PM local.

Sun 2M Net Report 8-23-2020

The net was convened at 8:30 PM local on 145.31 77 Hz. There were 8 check ins, plus net control

  • NE3R Joe Frederick, MD
  • W3VAR Chuck Leesburg
  • W0MPM John Leesburg
  • KQ4CI Evan Ashburn
  • K9CQB Damon Leesburg
  • K2BFY Henry Sterling
  • WB9RXB Tom North of Leesburg
  • W4EDF Ed Alexandria
  • W4PSQ Marc Ashburn (Net Control)

Topics included driving on a parkway and parking on a driveway, hand held RF responsive AC power relays (undesired), physical activity in the wake of the Covid-19 paunch, and the upcoming Light Up 2M Simplex event on August 30 6-8 PM local time. The net was secured at 8:54 PM local time.