LARG Sunday Night 2-Meter Net Report

We conducted the most famous Sunday Night Net held by the Loudoun Amateur Radio Group on 2-Meters FM at the Dulles Radio repeater on 145.310/R with a 77hz PL.

Those that checked in:

  • W5ODJ (NCS)
  • K2BFY
  • W4PNP
  • N4FAF
  • K0ZR
  • KK4TNO
  • KJ4NXG
  • KN4PIZ
  • AB4TF

A reminder of two things:

  • The regular monthly meeting is coming up this Saturday, January 18. For more information on when when and where click this link.
  • There is an Extra class that is starting on Feb 3. Jeff, K0ZR, and others in the Education Committee could use help teaching, tutoring, etc. Reach out to the Education folks at this link.

Thanks to everyone who joined and participated in this most famous 2 meter net tonight!



Tuesday Slow CW Net Report: 7 Jan 2020

We had three check-ins tonight: Jeff KoZR, Chris KT9N, and Dave KE4S. After a brief chat, we closed at 2015L, and as I was closing, I received a call from KE4I Dennis, in GA. Very confusing for a minute, because the I is only one dit short of my own call!. Turns out he is working on a certificate for the CWOPS 10th Anniversary event running this month, and I was happy to help him work toward 25 CWOps members.

Please join us levery Tuesday evening at 8PM EST for some slow CW practice. 73 de Dave KE4S

Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net Report

I started the 6-meter net tonight on 50.130 MHz a little after 8pm tonight. There were two people other than me who checked in: KN4BGW (Steve) and K9CQB (Damon).

It was nice to hear some familiar voices on 6 meters as it’s been a very long time since I’ve been home on a Wednesday evening where I could be around the radios locally.

Our next net is tomorrow evening at 8pm. Hope to see you on the air!



LARG 80 / 40M Digital Watering Hole report

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time utilizing the Olivia 500/8 protocol at or about 7.07325 MHz.

This net was started a little early with W0MPM calling CQ to see who was out there. Three of us joined this net:

  • W0MPM, John (NCS)
  • W5ODJ, John
  • W4PMP, Chris

We had a nice long net discussing various topics. The band was in good shape and the signals were strong and clear. 100% copy on all sides.

There is some discussion about using different protocols than Olivia. Some of the newer protocols are faster and use less bandwidth while at the same time provide similar or better low signal and high noise decoding. JS8 is one of those. These are still interactive protocols.

JS8Call 2.0 is now publicly available: Multiple transmission speeds, a new multi-decoder, typeahead functionality, and more. You can get the software here. Check out the latest information in the guide here. I’ve been in the beta testing program from the beginning and can tell you this software has really come a long way and very easy to use.

If you ever want to join we listen to both repeaters and can walk you through any troubleshooting you may be needing help with.

Everyone is welcome to join us and we hope to see you on the digital net.

For more information on this net please visit this page.

Have a great week!



Thursday SSB Net Report 21Nov 2019

80m – 3675 KHz on 22 NOV 2019 Open 0100Z
Listening 3808 KHz for General class ops to check-in

  • K3WD Bill
  • W5ODJ John
  • N0JSD John
  • W0MPM John
  • KE4S Dave, net control

We discussed the ISS contact evolution in which NoJSD participated with the Farmwell Middle School.
Closed 0120Z

10m – on 28.405 MHz open 0121Z

  • W0MPM John
  • N0JSD John
  • W5ODJ John
  • KE4S Dave, NCS

Closed 0128Z

Please join us next Thursday (or any other Thursday!) 73 de Dave KE4S

LARG 80M Winter Schedule Digital Watering Hole

Reminder that the winter schedule for the digital net is standard Time: Nov-Mar at ±3.58275 MHz. The default mode for this net is Olivia 500/8.

I showed up there tonight and called CQ 4 times while listening to the repeaters but got no takers. Maybe I’ll see you on digital next week?

I’m happy to change modes to something more interesting and new. The JS8 program and protocol is fun and very robust. Now they have developed three different modes/speeds to use. The decoder can now decode all speeds at the same time. If you want to play around with that the latest is version 2 RC3. There are versions for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux!



LARG Thursday Night HF Net


Tonight from 20:00-20:20 local time on 3.675Mhz and 3.818Mhz we conducted a directed net. Those that checked in:

  • W5ODJ, John (NCS), Lovettsville
  • K3WD, Bill, Lovettsville
  • KE4S, Dave, Leesburg

The band conditions were excellent and signals were strong and clear. Bill did some antenna testing while we gave signal reports. With so few checking in the net was quite brief.

Have a great weekend!


John, W5ODJ

LARG Thursday Night HF Net

I opened the net tonight at 20:00 local time. The only checkins were K3WD and W5ODJ (NCS) on both 3.675 and 28.405 Mhz. We had a nice chat about the weather overhead and wondered where everyone was. The entire 80 meter band was mostly empty. I also called on 10 meters but got no takers there. Everyone have a great rest of the week and weekend. Catch you next week sometime.

LARG Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net

We meet every Wednesday evening from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM on 6 meters SSB: on or about 50.130 MHz. Tonight’s net was short with only W2YE and W5ODJ checking in to test our gear. Both of us had been doing antenna repair and found things working just fine. Signals were the strongest I’ve heard on the band in a while.

