LARG 80M Winter Schedule Digital Watering Hole

Reminder that the winter schedule for the digital net is standard Time: Nov-Mar at ±3.58275 MHz. The default mode for this net is Olivia 500/8.

I showed up there tonight and called CQ 4 times while listening to the repeaters but got no takers. Maybe I’ll see you on digital next week?

I’m happy to change modes to something more interesting and new. The JS8 program and protocol is fun and very robust. Now they have developed three different modes/speeds to use. The decoder can now decode all speeds at the same time. If you want to play around with that the latest is version 2 RC3. There are versions for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux!



LARG Thursday Night HF Net


Tonight from 20:00-20:20 local time on 3.675Mhz and 3.818Mhz we conducted a directed net. Those that checked in:

  • W5ODJ, John (NCS), Lovettsville
  • K3WD, Bill, Lovettsville
  • KE4S, Dave, Leesburg

The band conditions were excellent and signals were strong and clear. Bill did some antenna testing while we gave signal reports. With so few checking in the net was quite brief.

Have a great weekend!


John, W5ODJ

LARG Thursday Night HF Net

I opened the net tonight at 20:00 local time. The only checkins were K3WD and W5ODJ (NCS) on both 3.675 and 28.405 Mhz. We had a nice chat about the weather overhead and wondered where everyone was. The entire 80 meter band was mostly empty. I also called on 10 meters but got no takers there. Everyone have a great rest of the week and weekend. Catch you next week sometime.

LARG Wednesday Night 6-Meter Net

We meet every Wednesday evening from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM on 6 meters SSB: on or about 50.130 MHz. Tonight’s net was short with only W2YE and W5ODJ checking in to test our gear. Both of us had been doing antenna repair and found things working just fine. Signals were the strongest I’ve heard on the band in a while.



LARG 80 / 40M Digital Watering Hole.

I called the net tonight starting at 8:30pm local time. W0MPM joined me and we had a nice chat on Olivia 800/5 tonight.

We meet every Sunday evening from 19:30 to 20:00 local time. During winter (Standard Time: Nov-Mar) 3.58275 MHz. and in summer (Daylight Savings Time: Mar-Nov) 7.07325 MHz.

The default mode for this net is Olivia 500/8. If the preferred frequency is in use we will call the net on the nearest clear spectrum available. If you don’t see us on the normal frequency look up or down a little.

When I am net control I listen on both local repeaters (146.7R and 145.31R). If you are having any difficulty call us on the repeater and we’ll do our best to help you get on the air for the net.

Everyone is welcome to join us and we hope to see you on the digital net.


de W5ODJ/John

LARG Tuesday Night CW Net October 15, 2019.

We had a good CW slow-speed net tonight on 80 meters. Attendees were:

  • K3WD, Bill
  • K79N, Chris
  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)

These guys tolerated my slowness again this week. But happy to report my slowness was 100% hand generated. And they were, apparently, still able to copy me. Miracles do happen.

The band was in excellent shape tonight. Signals were strong and clear.

Hope to see you on one of the CW nets in the future. Trust me, if I can do it you can too.



LARG Monday Night 220 MHz Net Report

As you likely know we meet on Monday evenings on the Frederick K3MAD 224.200 repeater (123 hz PL) for a 30 minute net. I am happy to report this Monday was my first check-in to this net. I finally got my HT working as it should on this frequency. It worked surprisingly well.

Those who checked in:

  • K2BFY, Henry (NCS)
  • W5ODJ, John

I’m glad I checked my HT. My battery is “swollen” so I need to repair that.

Thanks for running the net Henry!



LARG 40M Digital Watering Hole

There was a very informal digital net tonight on 40 meters at 7.07325 Mhz. Myself, W5ODJ, and John, W0MPM, had a nice chat on a very quiet band tonight. We started a little late at 19:33 local time and ended about 20:05.

John was loud and clear at my QTH with a SNR at or above 25dB the entire conversation with 100% copy.

Hope to see you on a digital net soon.



Tuesday night CW Net

Every Tuesday evening from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM we get together on ±3.545 MHz for a local CW net.

We always say “All are welcomed and the net will slow to the most comfortable speed of all operators”. Well, guess who that was tonight? That’s right, me! My CW blows but I keep working at it!

And … I took up NCS duties because no one else called the net. Silly me.

In spite of my poor CW skills I was able to hold the net and copy 90% of what was said tonight. Normally I use my computer to help me but it busted tonight too so I was running solo for most of this. My hand keying is not too great but I managed. Hopefully others understood what I was trying to say.

My lack of skill didn’t keep the net from happening. These folks checked in tonight:

  • KE4S, Dave
  • K3WD, Bill
  • KT9N, Chris
  • W5ODJ, John (NCS)

Y’all have a great week!



Sunday 2m Net Report; September 8, 2019.

Thanks for everyone who checked in tonight.

  • W0MPM, John (NCS)
  • W4ODJ, John
  • KI4FWB, Kurt
  • KK4TNO, Chaz
  • KS1G, Steve
  • K3WD, Bill
  • KJ4NXG, Bob
  • KA2CUF, Mike (Chesterfield, VA)

We chatted about our weekends and the week to come. Some will be meeting at Wegmans tomorrow (Monday) if you want to join us.

Have a good week!

John, W5ODJ